Final Burn Neo > FBN Discussion

Flickering Stuff

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hi there ...

I found 2 Games which have some kinde of flickering problems.
Samurai Shodown 3 and 4.

Character and Lifebar are flickering very strong.
I tried out every blitter and soft fx. Always the same.

Are there other " working" roms out there which do not have this problem ?

Kind regards

A lot of these games use a flickering effect to simulate transparency. Not a bug, but a feature.

As iq_132 wrote, many 80s/90s games use the "flickering trick" to simulate trasparency effects... in the old CRT screens the "flickering trick" has a good outcome, it blends with the intrinsic refresh interval on Cathode Ray Tube (CRT), while in the modern LCDs the outcome is rather mediocre...

Hi there

I play on a CRT Monitor in the correct refreshrate so thats what makes me
curious cause on my original Neo Geo AES i don not have the Effekt :(

Hi Fulg0re,
It's really hard to get this effect (flicker-blur) perfect in emulation, but it can become close. 
Here's some tips to try:
Set blitter to DX9-Alt and enable: Blitter Options -> Advanced Settings -> Motion Blur
or if you don't like motion blur, try enable triple buffer, force 60hz rate and play fullscreen.

bye for now,
- dink


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