Final Burn Neo > FBN Discussion



Is there any online guide on how to setup Emulationstation running FBA on Windows? I've tried to follow the MAME guide on youtube, but the selected rom wouldn't play in FBA (I would get "C:\Users\username\.emulationsta is not supported by FB Alpha." error). I tried this in es_settings.cfg file:

--- Quote ---<system>
<fullname>FB Alpha</fullname>
<command>%HOMEPATH%\.emulationstation\systems\fba\fba64.exe  "%ROM_RAW%"</command>
--- End quote ---
I've most definitely made something wrong, because I'm a complete noob. The fact that I managed to run some games under FBA is an achivement itself ;D

I'm not sure you can load games from the command line with fba standalone (i remember reading something about it, but i can't find how it works in the code). It might be easier to use retroarch + the lr-fbalpha core for this ?

One can load a rom in fbalpha from the cmdline by passing the name of the romset on the commandline,
like "fba tnzs" to load "the new zealand story".  If you can get it to pass the romset name on the commandline it should work fine.


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