Final Burn Neo > FBN Discussion

CPU overclock set at 200 by default for all games

<< < (2/2)

I'm not sure, but maybe to prevent the slowdowns of the original cabinet/hardware (main CPU related).

PS: in my view, in a emulation also the "original" slowdowns should be emulated ! ;)

Some games need to increase the CPU speed and some don't. Just try it. There ain't no fix value which is the best. I usual run all snk and cps games with 200 % and do not have an problems. Some game I have to rise up to 250 % cause the emulated 100% aren't real 100% Latest example art of fighting 2. Long time I want able to jump from the wall or to perform the super death blow. All a question of timing. On my aes I play it on 115% So I was too slow an any Move. I increased this game up to 250% and yesterday I played like a God on the original aes.
So try it and if there is some negativ sideffect just reset it to 100%.


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