Author Topic: CPS 3 development?  (Read 7311 times)

Offline Louiscipher

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CPS 3 development?
« on: October 13, 2011, 06:31:38 PM »
I've read that the latest versions of FBA have improved CPS3 performance issues. Can anyone back this up?

One other thing: I'm not quite sure how to phrase this but have later versions of FBA have better optimization for online CPS 3 games? Specifically for Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike.

See, GGPO uses FBA and every non-CPS3 title runs perfectly online with little in the way of lag. But CPS3 games, specifically 3rd Strike lag online because of more resources being used and the fact that 3rd Strike runs at 60 FPS. The way GGPO works is that it saves only active sprites that effect gameplay and are rendered online. Or something like that.

Hopefully one of you guys can help answer. Thanks.