Author Topic: A little advice about FBA Sample Support  (Read 14486 times)

Offline Arcadez

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A little advice about FBA Sample Support
« on: June 09, 2015, 09:43:03 AM »
FBL currantly doesn't support samples as it was ported to the xbox at a time when FBA didn't have samples or supported any games
that used em Anyway ive been trying to add sample support myself for the Donkey Kong, Super Mario and Zaxxon games as currantly they have no or just partial sound :(

i have an idea how to set up the samples and add paths for them in the xbox side of the Src so i added samples.cpp/h to the build
and from looking at the FBA side of the FBL Src the samples code seems to be all present and correct certainly it matches whats in
FBA currantly problem is im getting a single error during an overall compile... :S

in samples.cpp this decleration fails on an overall compile with a simple error warning and after a good search around
i cant find anything that would cause this as szAppSamplesPath is declared externally the same as in FBA

#define SAMPLE_DIRECTORY szAppSamplesPath

which is used here

sprintf(szTempPath, _TtoA(SAMPLE_DIRECTORY));

samples.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _szAppSamplesPath
Release/Default.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

Ive found Sample code in these Src Files in FBA it's all present and correct in FBL unless ive missed another file that has code for this..???

Burn/Burn.h Samples.h samples.cpp
Burner/win32/cona.cpp support paths.cpp

Hate to bother you with this guys but any ideas whats causing the Build Error..??

Of course it might be easier and less hastle for me to just port the discrete sound core from MAME to FBA and hook it up to the
DK Driver then i wont need the samples

im joking LOL  ;p ;P

« Last Edit: June 09, 2015, 09:44:32 AM by gamez fan »

Offline Barry Harris

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Re: A little advice about FBA Sample Support
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2015, 11:00:56 AM »
FBL currantly doesn't support samples as it was ported to the xbox at a time when FBA didn't have samples or supported any games
that used em Anyway ive been trying to add sample support myself for the Donkey Kong, Super Mario and Zaxxon games as currantly they have no or just partial sound :(

i have an idea how to set up the samples and add paths for them in the xbox side of the Src so i added samples.cpp/h to the build
and from looking at the FBA side of the FBL Src the samples code seems to be all present and correct certainly it matches whats in
FBA currantly problem is im getting a single error during an overall compile... :S

in samples.cpp this decleration fails on an overall compile with a simple error warning and after a good search around
i cant find anything that would cause this as szAppSamplesPath is declared externally the same as in FBA

#define SAMPLE_DIRECTORY szAppSamplesPath

which is used here

sprintf(szTempPath, _TtoA(SAMPLE_DIRECTORY));

Ive found Sample code in these Src Files in FBA it's all present and correct in FBL unless ive missed another file that has code for this..???

Burn/Burn.h Samples.h samples.cpp
Burner/win32/cona.cpp support paths.cpp

Hate to bother you with this guys but any ideas whats causing the Build Error..??

Of course it might be easier and less hastle for me to just port the discrete sound core from MAME to FBA and hook it up to the
DK Driver then i wont need the samples

im joking LOL  ;p ;P

It looks like you haven't actually declared szAppSamplesPath?

We define it in burner/win32/support_paths.cpp as;

Code: [Select]
TCHAR szAppSamplesPath[MAX_PATH]    = _T("support/samples/");
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Re: A little advice about FBA Sample Support
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2015, 02:34:07 PM »
Thanks barry for your Reply i have this decleration in support_paths.cpp although it looks slightly different in my older Src

TCHAR szAppSamplesPath[MAX_PATH]   = _T("support\\samples\\");

But Doh silly me i was looking over my Src files i never checked if they were actually enabled in my Virtual Studio FBL Solution
im missing cona.cpp and Support_paths.cpp from my Solution if i add em i get tons of errors i think this is because FBL sets things
like the paths in seperate xbox Src files i'll have to add the above decleration there and then try and hook up the samples
code to that part of the Src i have an idea how to do it getting it to work is another matter ;)

Thanks again for your advice cheers!!!

Offline Arcadez

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Re: A little advice about FBA Sample Support
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2015, 07:19:53 PM »
Ok finished adding Sample support to FBL thanks again for the advice barry i would have fell at the 1st hurdle without
you pointing out that decleration to me everything ive tested so far is good for some reason though the Toaplan Samples
you added a while back dont work ive got one last question if you dont mind..???

Apart from say the relevent Toaplan drivers is the Sample Code for the those games also declared or included elseware in the
FBA Src..??? i did a quick search but found nothing

Also fellas feel free to point out any drivers with Samples i may have missed i have these ones marked currantly.........

d_toaplan.cpp (Hacked Samples from ThunderMame)

Offline iq_132

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Re: Re: A little advice about FBA Sample Support
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2015, 06:58:58 AM »

Offline Barry Harris

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Re: A little advice about FBA Sample Support
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2015, 07:58:08 AM »
Ok finished adding Sample support to FBL thanks again for the advice barry i would have fell at the 1st hurdle without
you pointing out that decleration to me everything ive tested so far is good for some reason though the Toaplan Samples
you added a while back dont work ive got one last question if you dont mind..???

Apart from say the relevent Toaplan drivers is the Sample Code for the those games also declared or included elseware in the
FBA Src..??? i did a quick search but found nothing

Also fellas feel free to point out any drivers with Samples i may have missed i have these ones marked currantly.........

d_toaplan.cpp (Hacked Samples from ThunderMame)

We have a makefile define for the Toaplan samples;

Code: [Select]
# Include Toaplan sound sample hacks for games without MCU dumps

Make sure you have TOAPLAN_SOUND_SAMPLES_HACK defined and set to 1 (either from your make environment, or set it in your src).
Account of Barry Harris; the traitor.
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Offline iq_132

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Re: A little advice about FBA Sample Support
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2015, 08:53:48 AM »
btw, I forgot to mention... FBA loads all the samples into RAM and expands them to whatever your sample rate is set to. So you could be looking at 700mb of samples for donpachi (for example). So keep that in mind. It may be worth setting up a hack to only load the currently playing samples and unallocated the stopped ones.

Offline Arcadez

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Re: A little advice about FBA Sample Support
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2015, 01:41:52 PM »
We have a makefile define for the Toaplan samples;

Code: [Select]
# Include Toaplan sound sample hacks for games without MCU dumps

Make sure you have TOAPLAN_SOUND_SAMPLES_HACK defined and set to 1 (either from your make environment, or set it in your src).

Thanks again for your help i made it this in for example the samesame driver...


i think it's activated the samples unfortunately Fireshark fails on boot now if i reem out the above it loads so i guess my zip or sample
code is wrong for the Toaplan games will need to investigate further

Offline Arcadez

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Re: A little advice about FBA Sample Support
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2015, 01:46:19 PM »
btw, I forgot to mention... FBA loads all the samples into RAM and expands them to whatever your sample rate is set to. So you could be looking at 700mb of samples for donpachi (for example). So keep that in mind. It may be worth setting up a hack to only load the currently playing samples and unallocated the stopped ones.

Thanks for heads up about DoDonpachi dink told me about it last night it musta slipped my mind :D 700mb for a sample
that might be a record. To be honest i kinda lucked out with the getting the samples up and running in FBL pure guess work
basically ending up with a mishmash of old and newer code the latest samples with older ZipLoadoneFile code then both reworked
to use a different paths setup pure luck that any samples work LOL

Basically i wouldn't have the skills or the know how to do the above if im being honest here!!!
« Last Edit: June 11, 2015, 01:58:32 PM by gamez fan »

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Re: A little advice about FBA Sample Support
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2015, 05:41:27 PM »
re: Fireshark, it could be that loading the level1 sample and expanding it to the native resolution maxes out the memory on the xbox, same with DonPachi.  D'oh!

Offline Arcadez

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Re: A little advice about FBA Sample Support
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2015, 06:15:18 PM »
re: Fireshark, it could be that loading the level1 sample and expanding it to the native resolution maxes out the memory on the xbox, same with DonPachi.  D'oh!

I guess i'll need to Try and add em to MAMEoXtras someday :D Ole BP has em going in CoinOPS so i assume if i add em
they should work just need to trackdown a compatable version of the ThunderMAME Src

But hey at the end of the day quite a few classics now have sound in FBL so it's win win LOL
« Last Edit: June 11, 2015, 06:30:34 PM by gamez fan »

Offline Arcadez

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Re: A little advice about FBA Sample Support
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2015, 11:47:46 AM »
There's always more than one way to skin a cat or in IQ_132's case kill a kitten if anyone requests the Midway games in FBA LOL
just decided to save myself anymore hastle trying to add the ThunderMAME Toaplan samples to FBL and instead ported em
across to MAMEoXtras and they play really well so result!!!

Thanks again everyone for your help and advice Cheers!!!!