I'm trying to do a new pi build which means updating my roms to match the new FBNeo rather than the FBAlpha set I was using. I've downloaded the newest DAT from the website and set about trying to build a Non-Merged set. I'm missing a few Roms no matter what I try and rebuild from. Up to now I've tried rebuilding from MAME .199, MAME .219, MAME .219 Rollback Roms, MAME .78, MAME .139, FBA, FBA, MAME4ALL 037b5 and even a merged Final Burn Neo set that I found online. I wouldn't really care but DoDonPachi III is a game that I'd really like to play. I understand that nobody is going to be able to provide me with a direct link, but if anyone knows a set that contains the files I need then that would at least point me in the right direction. These are the files that I'm missing
DoDonPachi III (World, 2002.05.15 Master Ver) [folder: ddp3 - size: 43mb]
missing rom: b04401w064.u1 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 17731c9d]
DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (V101, Japan) [folder: ddpdoj - parent: ddp3 - size: 43mb]
missing rom: b04401w064.u1 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 17731c9d]
DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (V100 (second version), Japan) [folder: ddpdoja - parent: ddp3 - size: 43mb]
missing rom: b04401w064.u1 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 17731c9d]
DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (V100 (first version), Japan) [folder: ddpdojb - parent: ddp3 - size: 43mb]
missing rom: b04401w064.u1 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 17731c9d]
DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Black Label (V100, (2002.10.07.Black Ver), Japan) [folder: ddpdojblk - parent: ddp3 - size: 43mb]
missing rom: b04401w064.u1 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 17731c9d]
DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Black Label (V100 (2002.10.07 Black Ver), Japan) [folder: ddpdojblka - parent: ddp3 - size: 43mb]
missing rom: b04401w064.u1 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 17731c9d]
DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (Japan, 2002.04.05 Master Ver, location test) [folder: ddpdojp - parent: ddp3 - size: 45mb]
missing rom: ca008.cod_prom.u13.27c322 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 2ba7fa3b]
missing rom: fnt_cg.0_cgrom0.u8.27c322 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 1805e198]
missing rom: fnt_cg.1_cgrom1.u10.27c322 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: f06ce99c]
missing rom: pgmbios.u20.27c210 [size: 131072] [CRC32: 1d2a7c15]
missing rom: sp_cg.0_imcs0.u11.27c322 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: c66bdd8e]
missing rom: sp_cg.1_imcs1.u13.27c322 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: d30eac89]
missing rom: sp_cg.2_imcs2.u15.27c322 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: f31b010e]
missing rom: sp_cg.3_imcs3.u17.27c322 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 01ec23f5]
missing rom: sp_mp.0_bitcs0.u5.27c322 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: e30494a4]
missing rom: sp_mp.1_bitcs1.u6.27c322 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0239daec]
Jumping Break (set 2) [folder: jmpbreaka - parent: jmpbreak - size: 9mb]
missing rom: 2.rom1 [size: 524288] [CRC32: 553af133]
missing rom: 3.rom2 [size: 524288] [CRC32: bd0a5eed]
Mortal Kombat II Ultimate Tournament Edition (hack, V5.0.053) [Hack] [folder: mk2ute - parent: mk2 - size: 16mb]
missing rom: mk2ute.ug12 [size: 524288] [CRC32: bad41b9f]
missing rom: mk2ute.uj12 [size: 524288] [CRC32: 82c0ef47]
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (4rd Arrange Edition 2013) [Hack] [folder: sfiii4n - parent: sfiii3 - size: 81mb]
missing rom: 4rd-simm1.0 [size: 2097152] [CRC32: ca97f95e]
missing rom: 4rd-simm1.1 [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 5bc7faa6]
missing rom: 4rd-simm1.2 [size: 2097152] [CRC32: ec2eaa29]
missing rom: 4rd-simm1.3 [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 41c4ce7c]
missing rom: 4rd-simm5.6 [size: 2097152] [CRC32: e9b61a56]
missing rom: 4rd-simm5.7 [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 8db3a249]
Sky Army [folder: skyarmy - size: 40kb]
missing rom: a1h.bin [size: 8192] [CRC32: 46507488]
Cheers for reading!