Final Burn Neo > FBN Discussion

The CPU underclocking is a great addition!

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Only a few drivers support this.  I try to add this sometime for those games when not so busy. (or you could - fb is open source).

best regards,
- dink

el_rika, i backported this feature from jan_klaassen's special version (, however :
- it breaks older pgm savestates
- it only works with the pgm games not using the additional arm7 cpu (ddp3 & ket don't use it)
- it lacks proper testing, so please be vigilant about potential glitches and report them

So Ketsui should work then? It definitely doesn't. There's clear added slowdown in mame with CPU barely underclocked, while there's no change in FBN at 50% cpu.

Where it works though, it's really great. Esprade and Progear really work well, no glitches. Gonna test Garregga next.

@dink, my programming skills start and end with the classic "LOAD"   :smilie:  so i'm really grateful for all the work you put into this emulator!


--- Quote from: el_rika on November 09, 2019, 05:36:20 AM ---So Ketsui should work then? It definitely doesn't.

--- End quote ---
I think it does for me (game becomes sluggish when i set clock to low values), maybe make sure you aren't using ketbl (this one uses the arm7 cpu) and you are using latest fbneo core (maybe the libretro buildbot didn't finish the rebuilding when you updated your core)

If that feature doesn't help (from jan's core), please revert it.  I really don't feel good about those changes for some reason :(


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