Author Topic: FB Alpha Bug Reports  (Read 639500 times)

Offline ArcadeTV

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Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Reply #540 on: March 11, 2015, 11:05:55 AM »
I encountered 2 issues with

played Last Resort on NCD and all SoundFX were missing once I got into playable game-mode

switching TOKI (arcade) from window to fullscreen and back resulted in messed up colors.

Anyways, great work!

Offline Huggybaby

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Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Reply #541 on: March 12, 2015, 02:56:21 AM »
Here is the latest report from kdin6tl3nm at The Pleasuredome, pursuant to my original reports of recent set breakage:

"I found something interesting.  I think it explains why 19xx works and 1941 does not.
This is a two part situation.
The first part is that when clrmamepro makes a .7z archive through 7z.exe, it never creates a blank directory record.  It only lists items in subfolders by the relative path.  When 7z.exe is used in the GUI or command line, and there are subfolders, it always produces some entries that are marked a "D" (a directory) which have no size and no CRC.  This is barely apparent in the GUI, but much more noticeable on the command line when using the "l" (list) command.
This means that the 56 block uncompressed 1941.z7 produced by clrmamepro has 56 items in it.  If you create the same archive from the 7z.exe GUI or z7.exe command line (or t7z.exe or t7z.exe drag-n-drop), the resulting 1941.7z will have 59 items in it, as there are three directory items with zero length.
The second part is that these items are sorted alphabetically.  Since the alphabetically sorted list for 19xx puts these folder items at the bottom of the list, FBA doesn't trip over them by the time it gets there.  The alphabetically sorted list for 1941 puts the folder items the top, so FBA trips over them before it gets a chance to see any valid ROMs.
This isn't obvious at all in the GUI of 7z.exe, but is easily noticed when using the command line, such as:
7z.exe l 1941.7z
If someone could advise the FBA team that their .7z processing code is overlooking the fact that not all items in a .7z file are valid file items, it might help with this issue.
This theory explains why all .7z files created by the clrmamepro rebuilder work fine and why some of the t7z.exe processed files do not.  The clrmamepro files do not have any folder (only) items listed, so there is no problem.   T7z.exe processed items that have either no folder names or all the folder names are at the bottom will not confuse FBA, so no problem there either.  But the t7z.exe processed items that have folder names appearing above the bottom of the list confuse the FBA .7z parser - which seems to be the problem."

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Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Reply #542 on: March 12, 2015, 06:23:15 PM »
Thanks for all the info, & files guys :)  Barry fixed the issue!

Offline iq_132

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Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Reply #543 on: March 12, 2015, 09:30:24 PM »
switching TOKI (arcade) from window to fullscreen and back resulted in messed up colors.
Fixed! Thanks for the bug report.

Offline Huggybaby

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Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Reply #544 on: March 14, 2015, 07:40:11 PM »
Thank you, may we have a new build to test?

After that I will make noise at PD to get an FBA T7Z Merged set done, because now is the perfect time, esp. considering the recent MESS additions.

Offline SNK_Dude

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Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Reply #545 on: March 16, 2015, 07:40:04 AM »
This is strange,

In the debug build of Last Blade 2 NGCD worked and now in the official build, its back to being broke just as it was in the previous version.

Offline Freddy

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Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Reply #546 on: May 24, 2015, 01:32:09 PM »
Game: Soul Divide; Gunbird 2
Problem: Guru meditation in window mode, enhanced, xBR filter.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2015, 09:19:40 PM by Freddy »

Offline snowzero

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Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Reply #547 on: May 24, 2015, 07:10:13 PM »
I got a bug , I cant play the new fba version
First I was using fba_029712 , then i download fba fba64_029736
So whan i double click the fba.exe archive i got this message below

How can i fix this?

FB Alpha v0.2.97.36 fatal exception report (Sun May 24 18:13:24 2015

Exception 0xC0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) thrown.
EIP: 0x0000
 (attempting to read address 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)

System information:

OS:  Microsoft Windows 8.1  (build 9600)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz

Physical RAM: 4070680 KB (3975 MB) total, 1192784 KB (1164 MB) avail
Total RAM:    5643544 KB (5511 MB) total, 1666788 KB (1627 MB) avail
FB Alpha:       17916 KB in use (17916 KB peak, 23168 KB virtual)

Installed displays and display adapters:
    Generic PnP Monitor on Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (primary)

FB Alpha information:

Built on May 1 2015, 20:20:35, using Visual C++ 2013.
    Optimised for X64 CPUs.
    Using Unicode for all text.
    Debug functionality absent.

MMX optimisations disabled.
Musashi emulation core enabled for MC680x0 family emulation.

Not emulating any game.

Video settings:
    Interface settings: Video plugin not initialised

Audio settings:
    Interface settings: Audio plugin not initialised

Input settings:
    Selected module:    DirectInput8 input
    Interface settings: keyboard 0 System keyboard: Teclado
                        mouse    0 System mouse: Mouse
                        joystick 0 Generic   USB  Joystick 

Profiling settings:
    Interface settings: Profiling module not initialised

Detailed process information about fba64.exe:

fba64.exe (base address 0x00007FF7EAD70000, size 36320 KB)

Exception occurred in module dsound.dll:
              dsound.dll (base address 0x00007FFF62940000, size    628

Modules loaded by fba64.exe:
               ntdll.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7DFB0000, size   1712
            KERNEL32.DLL (base address 0x00007FFF7B630000, size   1272
          KERNELBASE.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7B2D0000, size   1108
              USER32.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7D7E0000, size   1500
               GDI32.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7D410000, size   1348
            COMDLG32.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7DB00000, size    728
            COMCTL32.dll (base address 0x00007FFF781C0000, size   2540
             SHELL32.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7BE80000, size  21600
               WINMM.dll (base address 0x00007FFF6F430000, size    136
               ole32.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7D960000, size   1616
            ADVAPI32.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7DE40000, size    680
            SETUPAPI.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7BC30000, size   1896
              msvcrt.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7DEF0000, size    680
             SHLWAPI.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7BBD0000, size    336
             combase.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7B770000, size   2116
           WINMMBASE.dll (base address 0x00007FFF6F400000, size    168
              RPCRT4.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7B9A0000, size   1284
             sechost.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7D6D0000, size    356
            CFGMGR32.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7B280000, size    316
              DEVOBJ.dll (base address 0x00007FFF79F20000, size    160
              SHCORE.DLL (base address 0x00007FFF794C0000, size    712
               IMM32.DLL (base address 0x00007FFF7D790000, size    216
               MSCTF.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7D570000, size   1348
              dsound.dll (base address 0x00007FFF62940000, size    628
            POWRPROF.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7A750000, size    280
             dinput8.dll (base address 0x00007FFF58BE0000, size    264
               ddraw.dll (base address 0x00007FFF67EA0000, size    992
            DCIMAN32.dll (base address 0x00007FFF694A0000, size     36
                d3d9.dll (base address 0x00007FFF59990000, size   2180
             VERSION.dll (base address 0x00007FFF74180000, size     40
              dwmapi.dll (base address 0x00007FFF78FE0000, size    132
            D3DX9_43.dll (base address 0x00007FFF513F0000, size   2444
             uxtheme.dll (base address 0x00007FFF79D80000, size   1188
      kernel.appcore.dll (base address 0x00007FFF79D30000, size     44
           CRYPTBASE.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7B040000, size     44
    bcryptPrimitives.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7AFD0000, size    396
                 HID.DLL (base address 0x00007FFF7A2C0000, size     52
            WINTRUST.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7B3F0000, size    324
             CRYPT32.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7B450000, size   1916
              MSASN1.dll (base address 0x00007FFF7B1B0000, size     68


Offline Freddy

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Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Reply #548 on: June 12, 2015, 10:58:40 AM »
Is there a way to allow auto-fire in the games: Aliens and 19xx: war against destiny?

Offline dink

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Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Reply #549 on: June 12, 2015, 02:42:15 PM »
Is there a way to allow auto-fire in the games: Aliens and 19xx: war against destiny?

For 19XX, it works the same way as all other games - press f5 after the game loads and scroll down near the bottom of the list and find "P1 Auto-Fire .." and set the autofire key(s).  On the other hand, Aliens doesn't seem to like autofire because it has its own built-in autofire mechanism. 

best regards,
- dink

Offline Freddy

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Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Reply #550 on: June 12, 2015, 05:34:45 PM »
Hey dink... you're gone brow, miss your news!
Here, in the last version of FBA, i can't set auto-fire in the 19xx. I tried, but doesnt works.
In Aliens, only the main weapon has the auto-fire set. The others we have to push the bottons repeatedly  :redface:
* upgrade: in this version and can set the normal imput keys, but can't set auto-fire keys at all? any guess?
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 04:22:27 AM by Freddy »

Offline dink

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Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Reply #551 on: June 14, 2015, 03:13:24 PM »
Hmm very strange, can you paste your 19xx.ini to and I'll take a look?
I'll see what can be done with aliens, thanks :)

There is no news because well, a few reasons.  first, FBA is almost perfect now - the only bugs remaining are the ones that can't be fixed (as far as I can tell..).  Another reason - there havn't been many bugs reported.  But theres also some terrible stuff that happened regarding real life circumstances and things :/ [I don't really want to talk about it yet] I'm hoping that things clear up and normalize (regarding IRL conditions) by mid-summer - then perhaps the fun can resume..

best regards,
- dink

Offline Freddy

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Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Reply #552 on: June 15, 2015, 09:29:35 AM »
Hope you can overcome this situations and circumstances in the best way. I know some strange bugs in FBA, some of then I put here, but still remains and I don't know why. About the auto-fire macro, it's really strange, because I can't set in any games at all (begins in the "system pause" - above I can change the keys). Here the link:
« Last Edit: June 15, 2015, 09:33:27 AM by Freddy »

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Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Reply #553 on: June 15, 2015, 02:39:50 PM »
Freddy, thanks, please try this:  sometimes clicking the autofire macro doesn't work, you'll need to click in different places, then it will work.  I don't know why. :)

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Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Reply #554 on: June 15, 2015, 03:11:40 PM »
The colors in Congo Bongo seem to be messed up with the Enhanced blitter, OK with basic.  any ideas?
EDIT: fixed!
« Last Edit: June 15, 2015, 03:59:17 PM by dink »