Author Topic: Capcom Home Arcade stick using FB Alpha Emulation  (Read 120308 times)

Offline 7zxkv

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Re: Capcom Home Arcade stick using FB Alpha Emulation
« Reply #165 on: May 10, 2019, 11:32:52 AM »
And when we think back to the origin of "FBA" (by barry and DP.WANG): FB launcher + FBCPS2en, I say that the loop is looped lol.

Offline Tatsuya79

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Re: Capcom Home Arcade stick using FB Alpha Emulation
« Reply #166 on: May 11, 2019, 11:06:00 AM »
You think it's really needed to bring that site here?

Offline barbudreadmon

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Re: Capcom Home Arcade stick using FB Alpha Emulation
« Reply #167 on: May 11, 2019, 11:25:57 AM »
I cleanup up, stay on the subject, rumors are rumors, someone started a rumor about me hacking yabasanshiro's website a few months ago because i work on "rival emulator" kronos, did i do it ? No, why would i do that ? All that stuff is just ridiculous, there is too much in-fighting on the emulation scene, we need to fight companies making money from our work instead.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2019, 11:29:46 AM by barbudreadmon »

Offline Arcadez

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Re: Capcom Home Arcade stick using FB Alpha Emulation
« Reply #168 on: May 11, 2019, 11:35:35 AM »
hmmm i've been a member of this site for nigh on a decade and that's the first time i recall that i've been censored
please remove my account as if this is part of the new direction on here eg you cant speak about certain things
i dont want to be part of it.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2019, 11:48:42 AM by Arcadez »

Offline barbudreadmon

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Re: Capcom Home Arcade stick using FB Alpha Emulation
« Reply #169 on: May 11, 2019, 01:09:22 PM »
Ok, i'm restoring it, but i don't think spreading this kind of rumors is good for the community.

Offline Ryvius86

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Re: Capcom Home Arcade stick using FB Alpha Emulation
« Reply #170 on: May 11, 2019, 01:57:39 PM »
Dear fellow criminals,

Weird.. it's almost like it's one rule for the emulation community and another rule for Capcom. Lets be honest here..

1. We've all been stealing from Capcom for nearly 2 decades (don't say you haven't, because I know you have). But,
2. As soon as Capcom takes (or buys?) something from the emulation community, they're an evil company? Come on,
3. We break the law (almost) every time we open FB Alpha. And,
4. By contributing to FB Alpha, we help other people break the law.
5. It's not like Capcom took the emulator and sold it as a standalone product.
6. We're actively losing Capcom business - I, and many others, won't be buying the Capcom Home Arcade System because we already have arcade sticks and FB Alpha (whoops).

Seems like everyone is guilty until proven innocent. Except for you guys.. you're all innocent.. so innocent.

Their's no way in hell Barry rewrote the code (we all know it), but it's not even out until October, so their's nothing you can do until then. He's either a dick or, as someone else said, just plain wrong. But until you can prove it, I don't think it's worth crying over. I don't think any of this is worth crying over. And it certainly isn't worth censoring people and falling out over. I've only been here a week and I'm already sick of hearing about this, but people shouldn't be deleting posts. And if people continue to do so I won't be around for much longer. I think someone owes Arcadez an apology. I'm more bothered about this than the Capcom Home Arcade System. If I can't express myself, even if I'm wrong, we have a problem.

I tried to spread a c'est la vie attitude with my last 2 posts on this thread, but I guess it didn't rub off on anyone, so I'm trying a different approach. I obviously don't believe those 6 points 100%, but there is some truth to it that people aren't grasping. The point is we should listen to different opinions, no matter how triggered we are.

Before anyone says I'm just kissing Capcom's arse.. I really couldn't care less about Capcom. They're an entity designed to make the most amount of money possible, with the least amount of effort. Though, they have started making decent games again recently (SF4, SF5, SF Collection, DMC5, RE2R, etc), so props to them for that.


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Re: Capcom Home Arcade stick using FB Alpha Emulation
« Reply #171 on: May 11, 2019, 02:12:04 PM »
I would like to say it was me that pointed this link out to arcadez elsewhere its my fault. Its a pretty sad state of affairs emulation is in now.  Everyone and there granny seems to be cashing in accept the people that are putting the real work in to the emulators.

Thankfully we have people that truly love what they do despite the middle men cashing in. I think your right on everyone claiming innocence on copyright. I do have respect for devs that do it for a hobby and free. When you start making money off copyrighted material and other peoples work its disgraceful no mater who is doing it.

Offline Ryvius86

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Re: Capcom Home Arcade stick using FB Alpha Emulation
« Reply #172 on: May 11, 2019, 03:27:52 PM »
I was typing that while the post got reinstated, and I'm glad to see it back. Respect dude.

Indeed, we're all walking the knifes edge with copyright law, so for people to get high and mighty about it seems rather hypocritical, at least from my perspective. But more than that.. I don't want to see people being silenced. Arcadez has a right to his opinion. We all do.

To quote Gab75 again..

Joking aside, in a forum it's important that everyone can express themselves freely (obviously, always with respect for others) ! :)


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Re: Capcom Home Arcade stick using FB Alpha Emulation
« Reply #173 on: May 11, 2019, 04:46:05 PM »
couldnt agree more enough said on the subject censorship is never good for anyone. I do happen to agree with arcadez thats irrelevant though. Cut through the white noise and we still have a great team of coders despite who is and isint making money.

Offline Arcadez

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Re: Capcom Home Arcade stick using FB Alpha Emulation
« Reply #174 on: May 11, 2019, 05:02:47 PM »
You think it's really needed to bring that site here?

Outta respect for the devs on here who are likely sick of this thread by now i've removed my original post to not fuel the fire
and i'll leave at that i think.


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Re: Capcom Home Arcade stick using FB Alpha Emulation
« Reply #175 on: May 11, 2019, 06:01:03 PM »
I'm not censoring anything but I've deleted a load of nonsense not related to the capcom arcade stick abomination. Let's stick to just that load of nonsense on this thread please :)


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Re: Capcom Home Arcade stick using FB Alpha Emulation
« Reply #176 on: May 11, 2019, 06:20:28 PM »
yea i will agree the post removed were off topic dont see it as censorship at all was just off topic. I do apologize for my part in it.

It did start by someone suggesting using the the libretto license then turned into a libretro vs stand alone nonsense thats another debate.


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Re: Capcom Home Arcade stick using FB Alpha Emulation
« Reply #177 on: May 11, 2019, 08:07:04 PM »
actually i didnt realize you deleted another load of posts regarding people cashing in as well. I dont have any hard feelings at all just simply fed up like the rest of you probably are. I do think it very contradictory letting one lot do it and not the another. I cant see anywhere to delete the account if someone could do that for me it would be appreciated.

All the best with this particular issue I really do hope it works out well for you all in the end. My days of contributing to making older hardware run better are done. I didnt contribute to this emulator anyway. My contributions where elsewhere ive always used this emulator from the 486/pentium days though.

Offline Haze

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Re: Capcom Home Arcade stick using FB Alpha Emulation
« Reply #178 on: May 11, 2019, 08:27:19 PM »
Dear fellow criminals,

Weird.. it's almost like it's one rule for the emulation community and another rule for Capcom. Lets be honest here..

1. We've all been stealing from Capcom for nearly 2 decades (don't say you haven't, because I know you have). But,
2. As soon as Capcom takes (or buys?) something from the emulation community, they're an evil company? Come on,
3. We break the law (almost) every time we open FB Alpha. And,
4. By contributing to FB Alpha, we help other people break the law.
5. It's not like Capcom took the emulator and sold it as a standalone product.
6. We're actively losing Capcom business - I, and many others, won't be buying the Capcom Home Arcade System because we already have arcade sticks and FB Alpha (whoops).

Seems like everyone is guilty until proven innocent. Except for you guys.. you're all innocent.. so innocent.

Their's no way in hell Barry rewrote the code (we all know it), but it's not even out until October, so their's nothing you can do until then. He's either a dick or, as someone else said, just plain wrong. But until you can prove it, I don't think it's worth crying over. I don't think any of this is worth crying over. And it certainly isn't worth censoring people and falling out over. I've only been here a week and I'm already sick of hearing about this, but people shouldn't be deleting posts. And if people continue to do so I won't be around for much longer. I think someone owes Arcadez an apology. I'm more bothered about this than the Capcom Home Arcade System. If I can't express myself, even if I'm wrong, we have a problem.

I tried to spread a c'est la vie attitude with my last 2 posts on this thread, but I guess it didn't rub off on anyone, so I'm trying a different approach. I obviously don't believe those 6 points 100%, but there is some truth to it that people aren't grasping. The point is we should listen to different opinions, no matter how triggered we are.

Before anyone says I'm just kissing Capcom's arse.. I really couldn't care less about Capcom. They're an entity designed to make the most amount of money possible, with the least amount of effort. Though, they have started making decent games again recently (SF4, SF5, SF Collection, DMC5, RE2R, etc), so props to them for that.

Software licenses are in important thing tho, and posts like this, trying to act like they don't matter because of x/y/z are not really helpful.

The fact is, FBA and the emulation community have never been selling Capcom's work without permission.  Sure, people use Capcom's IP in their spare time, but no money is exchanging hands and the FBA devs are not distributing anything owned by Capcom.

Capcom (well Koch Media) on the other hand IS selling our (the community's) work without permission.  As above, we don't care what they're doing with our software it in their spare time if no money is exchanging hands, but in this case it is.

There's no real double standard here, it's just if you're doing something on a commercial level, and making money out of it, you need to do it right; the FBA license and copyrights are just as valid and important as the Capcom ones in that situation.

If we wanted to sell Capcom's stuff, we would need a license from Capcom, and would rightly expect to get shut down if we didn't have one or made false claims that somebody had licensed Capcom's IP to us for commercial use and went ahead with selling things anyway.  There are likely licensing agreements Capcom had that meant (in a similar way to how FBA can't be licensed commercially) that even Capcom can't offer certain licenses to commercial use any more (I was actually surprised by AVP since that one is often tricky to get licenses for) and again, those can't just be ignored either in a commercial product just because licensing them has become impossible.  You can't say that just because Capcom made The Punisher game they can ignore Marvel's commercial licensing terms, just as they can't ignore FBA's licensing terms.  Every single part holds the same value.

Emulators are not illegal pieces of software, they're compatibility layers, something closer to an media player (VLC etc.) but for software where the hardware emulations are like the codecs.  I've also stated very clearly elsewhere that the motives behind a lot of the development (at least for MAME) have absolutely nothing to do with people actually playing the games (even if some people do find this inconceivable) so the scene has never even been about 'stealing from Capcom' at least on a development level.  With CPS2 for example, the research into the encryption, revival of dead original boards etc. is a direct result of the research the community has done and on a personal level I'd say 100 times more interesting than people playing the games.  It's actually quite insulting to see the hobby dismissed as simply piracy like you're trying to do, when in reality it's an entire support network for this old tech based on software that we've legitimately spent our time (which is just as valuable as Capcom's time or Koch Media's time) researching, writing and developing, maintaining etc.

In this case, the developers of FBA / FB decided on a policy where they didn't want anybody to be profiting from the work, and all contributions were made with that understanding, and that is fair enough.

You're basically saying science is an illegitimate field of work and that the rights of those working is said field don't matter.  That isn't the case, it never has been.

If you're doing things commercially you _have to_ do things the right way.  Emulation is already saving people a ton of work and making things as easy as possible, but if lines have been drawn, they can't be ignored.

I don't appreciate you trying to basically just paint everybody as pirates stealing from Capcom just because maybe your primary reason for doing this has been playing games for free and then somehow use it to justify what is happening here.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2019, 08:49:11 PM by Haze »

Offline Ryvius86

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Re: Capcom Home Arcade stick using FB Alpha Emulation
« Reply #179 on: May 11, 2019, 09:30:29 PM »
Nevermind.. no ones ever used emulation for illegal shit, especially not Haze. He's innocent guys.. so innocent.

I think it would be a different story if Capcom were selling it as a standalone product. But they're selling a nice bit of kit (albeit overpriced). People have used emulation to pirate their games for years. I for one, appreciate it, and couldn't care less what emulator they used. That's my opinion. Not whatever it is you said about science.

The point I was trying to make was that people should be able to express themselves without fear of censorship. I clarified this in a second post which was censored (deleted).

Did you miss the part where I said I obviously didn't believe those 6 points. I just think to deny the fact that people use emulation (mostly) to pirate games is, quite frankly, idiotic. You can cry innocence til you turn blue in the face. I know the truth.