Final Burn Neo > FBN Development

Helps me cthd2k3a Cannot move

<< < (2/2)

If you want be allowed to play in AES mode you can use this: (patch by IQ_132)

--- Code: --- // Game sets itself to MVS & English mode, patch this out
*((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM + 0xED00E)) = 0x4E71;
*((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM + 0xED394)) = 0x4E71;

// Fix for AES mode (stop loop that triggers Watchdog)
*((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM + 0xA2B7E)) = 0x4E71;

--- End code ---

it works with MAME, it should work with FBA, but AES menu is like the one of kof2001 original mvs dump => not very "clean" ^^

Thanks Nsk Your help

You are Houba! 32K Plus! Author?

Yes I am  :rolleyes:
I expect somebody like it, I try to do what I can, and I found here many help (I love this forum  :smilie:)
(I have many names on the net  :biggrin:)

kof2112 did you receive my message?
(I answered your request)

message Receives. Thank provides and helps ^_^


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