Author Topic: 1944: The Loop Master (US 000620), Phoenix Edition graphical glitch !  (Read 10690 times)

Offline Ashura-X

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Playing with my compilation I had remembered if this rom set have serious graphical bugs ! I dunno what could be wrong so im posting my driver. I hope if someone can help to solve this  :biggrin:

Code: [Select]
OM_START( 1944d )
ROM_REGION( CODE_SIZE, REGION_CPU1, 0 )      /* 68000 code */
ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "nffu.03d", 0x000000, 0x80000, CRC(8a2279b4) SHA1(4a7388ec0164171eee520e027e205164dc743b8d) )
ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "nff.04",  0x080000, 0x80000, CRC(dba1c66e) SHA1(4764e77d4da5d19d9acded27df1e1bcba06b0fcf) )
ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "nffu.05", 0x100000, 0x80000, CRC(ea813eb7) SHA1(34e0175a5f22d08c3538369b4bfd077a7427a128) )


ROM_REGION( 0x2000000, REGION_GFX1, 0 )
ROMX_LOAD( "nff.13m",   0x0000000, 0x400000, CRC(c9fca741) SHA1(1781d4fc18b6d6f79b7b39d9bcace750fb61a5cf) , ROM_GROUPWORD | ROM_SKIP(6) )
ROMX_LOAD( "nff.15m",   0x0000002, 0x400000, CRC(f809d898) SHA1(a0b6af49e1780678d808c317b875161cedddb314) , ROM_GROUPWORD | ROM_SKIP(6) )
ROMX_LOAD( "nff.17m",   0x0000004, 0x400000, CRC(15ba4507) SHA1(bed6a82bf1dc1aa501d4c2d098115a15e18d446a) , ROM_GROUPWORD | ROM_SKIP(6) )
ROMX_LOAD( "nff.19m",   0x0000006, 0x400000, CRC(3dd41b8c) SHA1(676078baad789e25f6e5a79de29672587be7ff00) , ROM_GROUPWORD | ROM_SKIP(6) )
ROMX_LOAD( "nff.14m",   0x1000000, 0x100000, CRC(3fe3a54b) SHA1(0a8e5cae141d24fd8b3cb11796c44728b0acd69e) , ROM_GROUPWORD | ROM_SKIP(6) )
ROMX_LOAD( "nff.16m",   0x1000002, 0x100000, CRC(565cd231) SHA1(0aecd433fb4ca2de1aca9fbb1e314fb1f6979321) , ROM_GROUPWORD | ROM_SKIP(6) )
ROMX_LOAD( "nff.18m",   0x1000004, 0x100000, CRC(63ca5988) SHA1(30137fa77573c84bcc24570bccb7dba61ddb413c) , ROM_GROUPWORD | ROM_SKIP(6) )
ROMX_LOAD( "nff.20m",   0x1000006, 0x100000, CRC(21eb8f3b) SHA1(efa69f19a958047dd91a294c88857ed3133fcbef) , ROM_GROUPWORD | ROM_SKIP(6) )

ROM_REGION( QSOUND_SIZE, REGION_CPU2, 0 ) /* 64k for the audio CPU (+banks) */
ROM_LOAD( "nff.01",   0x00000, 0x08000, CRC(d2e44318) SHA1(33e45f6fe9fed098a4c072b8c39406aef1a949b2) )
ROM_CONTINUE(         0x10000, 0x18000 )

ROM_REGION( 0x800000, REGION_SOUND1, 0 ) /* QSound samples */
ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "nff.11m",   0x000000, 0x400000, CRC(243e4e05) SHA1(83281f7290ac105a3f9a7507cbc11317d45ba706) )
ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "nff.12m",   0x400000, 0x400000, CRC(4fcf1600) SHA1(36f18c5d92b79433bdf7088b29a244708929d48e) )

Code: [Select]
GAME( 2000, 1944d,   1944,    phoenix, 19xx,   cps2, ROT0,   "Capcom, supported by Eighting/Raizing", "1944: The Loop Master (US 000620), Phoenix Edition", GAME_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS )
And some shots:

Offline iq_132

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Re: 1944: The Loop Master (US 000620), Phoenix Edition graphical glitch !
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2006, 11:17:05 AM »
You've got me on this one, I've tried several different methods to get this working properly and all have failed. :(

this ended up being a bad dump of one of the program roms!
« Last Edit: August 21, 2015, 03:50:17 PM by iq_132 »