Author Topic: Top Ten of Programming Advice NOT to follow  (Read 19278 times)

Offline CaptainCPS

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Top Ten of Programming Advice NOT to follow
« on: December 20, 2007, 04:04:31 AM »
Was checking some sites and I found this interesting information, for those who like programming ^^...

Copyright (C) 2006 Kristian Dupont Knudsen

A friend of mine is just beginning his professional programming career and he asked me recently f I had any specific programming advice for him.
I found that I couldn't really think of anything interesting to say. There are lots and lots of programming advice on the web. Some of it good, some of it less so. But most of it is simply plain obvious or just too general to be interesting.
Then I thought well, since I feel that I do have something to say in that area, why not try and address some of the most common things people are being told with which I disagree?
So here goes,
The top ten list of programming advice not to follow:

Check it out here...
