Not at all
What's really needed is documentation on what exactly the controller & dma chip used for the Neo-CD's CD-ROM access (and some other nifty things).
Well seems that I was lucky enough today to at least find something about the NeoGeo CD DMA controllers,
In this specific status log from
Xe 'Multi System Emulator' the author ask for information about it...
Neo CD status 05/05/05
Neo CD:
Finished the CD controller. The BIOS is now able to recognize a Neo CD disc. The 1st screen shot shows the "PUSH START BUTTON" message. This message only appears when a Neo CD disc inserted. It's still not able to boot any game. Emulation of the Neo CD won't get any further without the information on the DMA & IRQ controllers.
If anyone has any information on the LC8953 (any information beside the datasheet) or Sanyo programmable DMA controllers please contact me.
so I started looking for info and found this... that can be useful ^^