Author Topic: Window size  (Read 7445 times)

Offline Death Metal

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Window size
« on: August 11, 2005, 02:52:23 AM »
Good morrow to thee, fine sires! Shall I humbly request a piece of thy wisdom? :p

Well, I'd like to ask you guys something, if anyone knows. Currently, FBA analyzes the size of the available visible area in order to fix a mixmum size to its main window, so the window will never be bigger than the screen (as in, its borders will never cross the screen edges). Now, would anyone know how to change it so that this feature is cancelled? I mean, I'd like to make it just like Kawaks in regards to the window size: if you set it to be 4 times bigger, then the window will be gigantic regardless of the the screen size/resolution of your desktop. I've already tried many things, but I've not been successful.

I know it might sound pointless to change the functionality of such a feature, but I'd really like to try it if possible.

Thanks in advance. :wink:

Offline Death Metal

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Reviving a grandpa thread :P
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2006, 04:44:56 PM »
As it's been slow as hell lately, I was analyzing a few old topics and thought that perhaps I should bump this one to see if you guys can help me, since I never figured this out. Please read above if you may.

Also, another unrelated question: does anyone know how far are we in emulating those original M1 ROMs in Neo-Geo sets, instead of using decrypted ones?

Unfortunately I'm merely an expectator in the scene, since I don't have all the required programming knowledge to really help out. :(

« Last Edit: September 19, 2006, 04:47:08 PM by Death Metal »

Offline Leaf

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Re: Window size
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2006, 12:43:11 AM »
maby it's helpful to you. :smilie:

modify ScrnSize() in scrn.cpp,
Code: [Select]
// Find the width and height
w = nScrnWidth;
h = nScrnHeight;

// Find out how much space is taken up by the borders
ew = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME) << 1;
eh = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME) << 1;

if (bMenuEnabled) {
eh += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION);
eh += nMenuHeight;
} else {
eh += 1 << 1;
ew += 1 << 1;

if (bMenuEnabled || !bVidScanlines || nVidSelect == 2) {
// Subtract the border space
w -= ew;
h -= eh;

if (bVidCorrectAspect || bVidFullStretch && !(nVidSelect == 2 && (nVidBlitterOpt[2] & 0x0100) == 0)) {
int ww = w;
int hh = h;

// do {
if (nBmapWidth < nBmapHeight && bVidScanRotate) {
// if (ww > nBmapWidth * nMaxSize) {
ww = nBmapWidth * nMaxSize;
// }
// if (hh > ww * nVidScrnAspectX * nGameAspectY * nScrnHeight / (nScrnWidth * nVidScrnAspectY * nGameAspectX)) {
hh = ww * nVidScrnAspectX * nGameAspectY * nScrnHeight / (nScrnWidth * nVidScrnAspectY * nGameAspectX);
// }
} else {
// if (hh > nBmapHeight * nMaxSize) {
hh = nBmapHeight * nMaxSize;
// }
// if (ww > hh * nVidScrnAspectY * nGameAspectX * nScrnWidth / (nScrnHeight * nVidScrnAspectX * nGameAspectY)) {
ww = hh * nVidScrnAspectY * nGameAspectX * nScrnWidth / (nScrnHeight * nVidScrnAspectX * nGameAspectY);
// }
// } while ((ww > w || hh > h) && nMaxSize-- > 1);
w = ww;
h = hh;
} else {
// while ((nBmapWidth * nMaxSize > w || nBmapHeight * nMaxSize > h) && nMaxSize > 1) {
// nMaxSize--;
// }

// if (w > nBmapWidth * nMaxSize || h > nBmapHeight * nMaxSize) {
w = nBmapWidth * nMaxSize;
h = nBmapHeight * nMaxSize;
// }

RECT rect = { 0, 0, w, h };
VidImageSize(&rect, nBmapWidth, nBmapHeight);
w = rect.right - rect.left + ew;
h = rect.bottom - + eh;

x = nWindowPosX; y = nWindowPosY;
/* if (x + w > SystemWorkArea.right || y + h > SystemWorkArea.bottom) {
// Find the midpoint for the window
x = SystemWorkArea.left + SystemWorkArea.right;
x /= 2;
y = SystemWorkArea.bottom +;
y /= 2;

x -= w / 2;
y -= h / 2;

bMaximised = false;

MoveWindow(hScrnWnd, x, y, w, h, true);

// nWindowPosX = x; nWindowPosY = y;

  return 0;

modify the vidInit() in vid_d3d.cpp,
Code: [Select]
// Set up the display mode
if (nVidFullscreen) {
int nZoomlevel;
if (nVidBlitterOpt[nVidSelect] & 0x04000000) {
nZoomlevel = nPreScaleZoom;
} else {
nZoomlevel = nScreenSize;
if (VidSEnterFullscreenMode(nZoomlevel, 0)) {
return 1;
} else {
RECT rect;

// SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &rect, 0);

GetClientScreenRect(hVidWnd, &rect); += nMenuHeight; rect.bottom += nMenuHeight;

nVidScrnWidth = rect.right - rect.left;
nVidScrnHeight = rect.bottom -;

pDD->SetCooperativeLevel(hVidWnd, DDSCL_NORMAL);

Offline Death Metal

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Re: Window size
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2006, 12:37:40 PM »
I can't believe it was that simple! Wow, I do fail at life.

Thanks Leaf, it did work. :p