Final Burn Neo > FBN Discussion

Can you map pause to a gamepad?

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I tried to think of a good way to do this without changing too much code, and here's what I came up with - so far its just an idea:
When no game is loaded, Map Inputs is greyed out.  Well, the idea is that it will not be greyed out anymore with no game loaded, but in this case, it will bring up a list like:
Load state [from active slot]
Save state ""
Turbo Mode (for blowing past machine inits)
and maybe a few other usefull things.

What do you guys think?
best regards,
- dink

Sounds like a great idea!  I think any option to do it would work for me, whether it's that, another menu or whatever else.

Look for these features in the next release of FBA :D


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