Final Burn Neo > FBN Development

FB Neo Bugs Reports

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Hiya Robert,

How are you?

I think you mean this :

i need to contact you ;)

I await your PM.

Thought I'd report an issue with Growl (US) - block platforms aren't rendering correctly on cave stage (completely invisible)

I think there's a bug in Operation Thunderbolt (World, Rev 1): the player status panel at the bottom of the screen has chunks missing (circled in the screenshot). Those holes appear as transparent on some levels; the background assets can be seen through them. Also looks like the position of the frame isn't quite right - you can see the house to the right side of the screen outside the main frame in the black area.


--- Quote from: Al82 on May 25, 2020, 02:15:53 PM ---Thought I'd report an issue with Growl (US) - block platforms aren't rendering correctly on cave stage (completely invisible)

--- End quote ---

Thanks for the bug report, Al82.
With some help from Gab75 - this bug is fixed now :)

best regards,
- dink


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