Author Topic: Andro Dunos MVS-to-CD "WORKS" on a real NGCD!!!  (Read 29532 times)

Offline slydc

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Andro Dunos MVS-to-CD "WORKS" on a real NGCD!!!
« on: July 31, 2006, 01:55:45 PM »
Hi all!!

Well after trying to find how to boot Neo Pong v1.1 on a real NGCD (which the conversion i've made DOES boot but...the sounds are all wrong and also the Sprites), so i've tried the little modification in the PRG file of Andro Dunos and burned the files on a CD and tried it a my NGCD system.

After finishing loading the files, i've finally saw the "Visco Games" boot screen and the game!! :cool:  :cool:  :cool: the first level when you are descending in the crater, there's moving sands with big worms that shoots at you. THAT's the problem i have since it doesn't show up (moving sands, the worms and the fireball they shoots), so when playing, you explose for noreasons since those sprites don't show up. Didn't played any further until this problem can be fixed.

Anyone knows how to fix this problem ? (Thinking the problem is in the FIX file).

--- Sly DC ---

Offline iq_132

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Re: Andro Dunos MVS-to-CD "WORKS" on a real NGCD!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2006, 08:02:48 PM »
That's a new one to me.  I don't think I've seen that bug on any of the current emulators.
Also, I doubt it is the FIX file, it contains the game fonts and top layer things (like health bars).
More likely than not, it is a SPR or PRG problem, and I imagine it is something wrong with the PRG.

Offline slydc

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Re: Andro Dunos MVS-to-CD "WORKS" on a real NGCD!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2006, 09:30:16 PM »
Err...i wasn't talking SPR problems on any emulator(s) but rather on a real Neo-Geo CD system. But now it's OK, finally find out what was the problem, it was the SPR itself.

Thanks for the tip!  :wink:

--- Sly DC ---

Offline KaNyErO

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Re: Andro Dunos MVS-to-CD "WORKS" on a real NGCD!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2006, 05:55:04 AM »
Iq you should revise your tool to do conversions, here is the problem slydc was having

Example: your Puzzle de Pon version of the SPR has DATA from 00010000 to 000FFFFF, but with the tool from iq_132, there's no data at all.

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Re: Andro Dunos MVS-to-CD "WORKS" on a real NGCD!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2006, 07:28:12 AM »
Very strange, I'll fix that asap.

It's now fixed and the prgcnv program has been updated as well.
I'll post about it in a day or so.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2006, 09:18:40 AM by iq_132 »

Offline slydc

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Re: Andro Dunos MVS-to-CD "WORKS" on a real NGCD!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2006, 12:08:30 AM »
Hi again! :)

What KaNeRyO told about the progcnv.exe is true. It was adding 00 bytes
on the second half of the SPR conversion. That's why i was having SPR problems with the porting of games.

After exchanging infos with KaNeRyO and testing one of his port,here's the details on how to port MVS games to a REAL Neo-Geo CD (and also it works with emulators):

FIRST: Please read the guide on how to port (convert) from iq-132.

After doing all that, you need to take the xxx.PRG file and open it up with
a HEX editor and change 14 bytes. I've checked the "conversion" of JoyJoyKid
of CDoty and found that he changed 14 bytes between 0x0042 to 0x0063, which is
part of the boot sequence (IRQ). I've compared it to the "L.PRG" file found in
"ADK World CD" and the changed bytes matches exacty except the 0x0063 which
CDoty replaced with the byte [E0] instead of byte [32]. The [E0] can be found
in any AES N0xxxx1A.038 ROM.

Here's the list of the bytes to change needed to boot on a real Neo Geo CD:

   Adress:         Original Byte:         New Byte:
   0x0042               04                   05
   0x0043               26                   22 
   0x0046               04                   05     
   0x0047               26                   28
   0x004A               04                   05
   0x004B               26                   2E
   0x004E               04                   05
   0x004F               26                   34
   0x0052               04                   05
   0x0053               26                   3A
   0x0057               26                   F2
   0x005B               26                   EC
   0x005F               26                   E6
   0x0063 (*)           32                   E0

(*) = The 0x0063 can be changed to either [E0] which tells
      the CPU that's the game is a AES version or with [32]
      which tell the CPU that's is a MVS/CD version.

Now, with these changes, you will be able to boot any MVS-to-CD port.


About the JoyJoyKid porting of CDoty, here's all the details i've checked
with a Hex Editor and a "compare files" option after doing a port with
iq_132 tools:

  CDoty version:       MVS-to-CD port:        Hex Compare:
  021_S1.FIX           021_S1.BIN             No difference!
  021_M1.Z80           021_M1.BIN           336 additional bytes in the
                                 021_M1.BIN           (at the end)
  021_P1.PRG           021_P1.PRG  (onced     14 bytes differs. See above.
                               byteswapped with tool) 
  021_PCM.PCM          021_V1.BIN +           
                                   021_V2.BIN =           No difference!
                                  021_V01.BIN (merge the
                                  the files with a hex
  021_C1.SPR           021_C1.SPR (onced      No difference!
                              byteswapped with tool)   

Here's a list of port i've made which successely boots on a real
Neo-Geo CD game system (as of August 03, 2006):

Ports made by Sly DC:
01) Andro Dunos (perfect!)
02) Puzzle de Pon [KaNeRyO port, fixed boot sequence] (perfect!)
03) Puzzle de Pon R (perfect!)
04) Eight Man (Has a few sound issues)
05) King of the Monsters (has sounds issues)
06) Neo Mr. Do (Has a few sound issues)
07) Panic Bomber (has sounds issues)
08) Pop 'N' Bounce (Has a few sound issues)
09) Blut Engel FRENCH (perfect!) [Translated for myself :) ]
10) Codename - Blut Engel BETA 050423 (perfect!)
11) Columns (perfect!)
12) Frog Feast (perfect!)
13) Poker Night (perfect!)

PLEASE don't ask me for any of those ISO's, i won't release them. It's
only for learning how-to port games and for my personnal pleasure since
i'm respecting the works/copyrights of "Homebrewers" and the companies
whom released games for the NEo-Geo AES/MVS/CD.

So, have fun doing your own port of your favorite(s) game(s)!  :)

--- Sly DC ---

Offline KaNyErO

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Re: Andro Dunos MVS-to-CD "WORKS" on a real NGCD!!!
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2006, 08:34:34 AM »
just one little correction ... it´s KaNyEro :P

Good tutorial :)

Another games working:

And more to come :D
« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 08:37:32 AM by KaNyErO »

Offline slydc

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Re: Andro Dunos MVS-to-CD "WORKS" on a real NGCD!!!
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2006, 12:36:09 AM »
Oups!!! Sorry KaNyErO!

I'll try to correct myself from now on. (me =  :idiot: sometimes...)

And thanks about the good tutorial but the biggest part was made by iq_132. Just lucky to find out the modification by CDoty, that's all.

I agree with KaNyErO about Gururin, made myself a port and it
works great. But for those who want to port the games "Flip Shot"
and "Legend of Success Joe", seems that they don't want to work.

Both i and KaNyErO aren't able to make them work. One that i'm trying
to port is "Money Puzzle Exchanger". Everything fits in the limit but only
the SPR is over 1meg (5meg of 4meg max).

More details to come...

--- Sly DC ---

Offline KaNyErO

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Re: Andro Dunos MVS-to-CD "WORKS" on a real NGCD!!!
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2006, 06:29:20 AM »
I had another 3 isos like that some time ago working in ngcd emulators:

Nightmare in the dark

They could fit but there were a lot of graphics lost, you can check what is missing using any spr viewer.

For example ghostloop lost all the intros and the backgrounds but it was fully playable, nightmare in the dark lost the lintros, and i cant remember what was wrong with bangbead.

If anyone could add a freeplay dip to neodigerman or at least the way to add credits using any button (remapping D for example) maybe this game could be ported too.

*Edit Another game working MINASAN :D

Here is a list of what games can be ported and what i have verified:

Only a few homebrew/demos more could be ported, the rest of comercial games will hide too many graphics so they may become unplayable :S

« Last Edit: August 10, 2006, 07:03:17 AM by KaNyErO »

Offline slydc

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Re: Andro Dunos MVS-to-CD "WORKS" on a real NGCD!!!
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2006, 05:53:42 AM »

nightmare in the dark lost the lintros, and i cant remember what was wrong with bangbead.

If anyone could add a freeplay dip to neodigerman or at least the way to add credits using any button (remapping D for example) maybe this game could be ported too.

About NITD: The game will resets when you'll fight a Boss. Which one....errr...have to check which Boss but since a lot of SPR has been
cut-off, it would be understandable.

For Bangbead: check out the PRG (onced converted) at 0x00010000. You
will see why.  :eek:

For Diggerman, thinking that there is a byte in the PRG that will make
it freeplay, but the question is: Which one ??

--- Sly DC ---