Last night was a bugfix-o-rama. Here's whats new..
The palette viewer had some deep emotional issues. Sometimes it was happy and showed the correct colors, other times it a bit bonkers and would show colors - but they made no sense at all. Now that is fixed and everyone is happy. I almost forgot, if you click on a color in the palette viewer, the viewer will tell you the RGB values for that color - it always did, you just couldn't see it. After carefully excising the RGB color value coverup-jeebies, its no longer in hiding.
The classic game Pooyan can now properly display the falling apple without weird black pixels behind it. This apple-bug was reported over a year ago by the one and only Zazzone of FBA-tester fame. This one was confusing, because I couldn't find the apple in the sprite list. As it turns out, this missing apple sprite was hard to find, because it wasn't just an apple, but a strange apple-strawberry hybrid. Depending on the palette index of the sprite, this character could be either a solid red apple with green stem, or a strawberry with dots and a green leafy thing at the top. As you could imagine, we needed to add a little extra transparent color checking to get it right.
Lastly, the assembly 68k-core has been a come up quite often as being the problem in bug reports, so this core will no longer be available in release builds. In debug builds, if its enabled, it will only stay enabled for that session. Once FBA is closed/reloaded, it will automatically default to the Musashi-68k core. For classic gamers, there is nothing to be gained from using this core. There is 1 exception: Takeda Shingen / Shingen Samurai Warrior on Jaleco Megasystem 1 - the game like to crash - it will go from playing to random funny patterns on the screen around the second stage when a certain item is picked up or character is defeated. With the assembly 68kcore this game doesn't crash. Its not currently known why this game has problems with Musashi-68k (cpu core) - Musashi is far more accurate/stable, so as a bit of a hack, FBA will automatically switch to the assembly 68kcore for this game, and back to Musashi upon exit behind the scenes, and transparent to the user.
best regards,
- dink