Final Burn Neo > FBN Discussion

Does Megumi Rescue (Master System) work on anything?

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I thought I'd check out this port now the coin-op works in MAME, but nothing seems to run it. Picodrive loops back to the title screen when you press the fire button, SMSPlus-GX starts the game but no movement controls work (the fire button does), and GearSystem loads it but nothing does anything on the title screen.

FBNeo-SMS gets closest - the game starts but the controls are totally wonky. Right and left are back to front and you can't move into the left-hand half of the screen.

Apparently Megumi Rescue was one of only four games to require the SMS paddle controllers, which I didn't even know existed. The only SMS emulator I can find with explicit paddle support is GenesisPlus-GX, but that won't boot the game even if I force it to run as a Japanese Master System. (SMSPlus-GX, weirdly, doesn't have the Master System controller options that GP-GX does.)

I'd recommend using the Arcade version of the game, it works perfect with digital joy or spinner/mouse/analog joystick, and is the full proper length of the screen, which makes the game a lot better (IMO).  The arcade game name is "megrescu"

I'll see if the sms version can be improved

best regards,
- dink

Just an update: Megumi Rescue, Woody Pop, Alex Kidd BMX trial and Galactic Protector on SMS now have the paddle controller(s) hooked up.

best regards,
- dink

Yay! Thanks!


--- Quote from: dink on September 07, 2022, 01:45:03 AM ---Just an update: Megumi Rescue, Woody Pop, Alex Kidd BMX trial and Galactic Protector on SMS now have the paddle controller(s) hooked up.

best regards,
- dink

--- End quote ---

Those games moved to arcacde folder when generate dat file


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