Author Topic: Borderless menu  (Read 7117 times)

Offline 3xcl4m4t10n

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Borderless menu
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:44:05 PM »
Hello again team:

Here I am bothering you again. Don't worry, I am not going to do this kind of things again, it's my last time I promise!

I was wondering, Is there any chance to have a borderless mode on video? If you don't know what it exactly is, this mode execute an application on window mode. The difference is that you have the application streched to full screen, without the title tab, the menu tab and the borders. I know there's a option by clicking right mouse button on screen to make the bars dissapear, but it still show the borders and you can't fullscreen it (some borders do not reach the entire monitor).

I know it can be seen like an unnecesary feature, but as maybe you already know, P0f has managed to update the Fightcade's FBA. The Fightcade's code do not allow to play on fullscreen mode (This cause some random graphical desyncs) so the only one alternative we have in order to play on fullscreen mode is a borderless option.

If you need some examples I can try to make those :D. Thank you for reading.