General Emulation > MAME

Hack Kof 2000 (Evolution v1.3) on Mame 0.235 missing slashes and text

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Well, don't lose hope, maybe Robert (hbmame guy) or iq_132 has an idea.

best regards,
- dink

Thank you so much for your support - dink

I hope they see this post, I look forward to this solution.  ;p

According to your crosspost at mameworld, it looks like you have fixed it.

hello, by the way are you the Robbbert of mameWorld ?
I still couldn't get it, Robbbert from mameWorld told me that these extra macros are to tidy up and clarify the neogeo listing in HBmame "NEO_SFIX_MT_512K" and that these macros are not in Mame.
I was sad :/ I thought this crusade would be simpler, however I'm losing hope already.

You'll never graduate to game hacker if you give up so easily.

Just replace the NEO_SFIX_MT_512K part with
 ROM_REGION( 0x20000, "fixedbios", 0 )
   ROM_LOAD( "sfix.sfix",  0, 0x20000, CRC(c2ea0cfd) SHA1(fd4a618cdcdbf849374f0a50dd8efe9dbab706c3) )
   ROM_REGION( 0x80000, "fixed", ROMREGION_ERASE00 )

There needs to be a ROM_Y_ZOOM in there too, but only once.

edit: in MAME some of the rom regions will need to be prefixed with cslot1: - this isn't needed in HBMAME (because HBMAME doesn't support slots). You'll have to try it out by looking at other sets in MAME.


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