Final Burn Neo > FBN Discussion

Controller question


Does FBA swap inputs for games like Pac-Man to change an 8way joystick to a 4way?

Dink has been changing inputs from 8 way to 4 way. It's got to be done on a per-driver basis.

The next version of FBA, due out in the next day or 2, will have proper 4-way inputs for all games that require them.  Pac-man/Puckman plays a lot better now with the new 4-way code, along with Popeye, Ladybug, Pirate Ship Higemaru, WarpWarp and others.

best regards,
- dink

I'm happy to know that the next FBA release will be out very soon!  :smilie:

PS: the new "4-way inputs" code should be very useful for many oldest games!


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