Final Burn Neo > FBN Discussion

[Arcade] Wolf Fang sound problem


The Wolf Fang's sounds have some problems. It sounds like if some channels isn't playing the music, or something like this. This problem was not present in the older version of Final Burn Alpha. I don't know when this problem showed up, I used a very old version, and just downloaded the newest one. I hope this is just a settings problem and someone clears it for me.


I checked the previous versions. Even the works properly with the Wolf Fang's sounds. However the sound lags from the smalles plus CPU load.

I checked all "Rohga Armor Force" ROMs and indeed the drums sound effects seem to be missing...


--- Quote from: Gab75 on December 21, 2015, 01:09:07 AM ---I checked all "Rohga Armor Force" ROMs and indeed the drums sound effects seem to be missing...

--- End quote ---

Exactly. The drums are the missing sounds from every single music and sfx. The Sailor Moon's arcade works perfectly, I even recorded a longplay just now and there aren't a single bug with the sounds. I tried every possible audiosettings, even forced mono, but nothing. The XAudio2 has the same issue with Wolf Fang too.


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