Hmmm, what do you mean, are you talking about the refresh rate ? I see pcb was measured at 60.024Hz, are you asking for it to be set at that value ? There is more or less a policy of not handling refresh rates beyond 60Hz in FBNeo (i believe because compatible screens are considered uncommon ? Or maybe some kind of directx blitter limitation in standalone ?) but maybe we could add some kind of kludge to allow it in the libretro port if retroarch handles this well ? Except if there are other technical reasons i'm not aware of ?
Retroarch seems to not be friends with high refresh rate screens (ex.160 hz). It always tends to produce the strangest results (wildly uneven frame pacing and stutters, which
should actually happen to some extent, as 160 is not a multiple of any conventional arcade framerate).
However as strange as it sounds, the moment the game is locked/throttled to its original intended framerate (ex. 59.6 cps driver or 57.5 cave 1st gen or 60 for cv1000)
at the core/driver level (the frontend seems to not be able to do such a good job), the smoothness is top notch. I don't know honestly why it works the way it does, but it works as long as the sync to original framerate is overriding the rest.
Yes, i know the recent mame cores have the extra frame eliminated, but in terms of using latest mame for cv1000, it's out of the question, as it became ~ 3 times slower than the older cores. All the recent work i know that's been done to the actual mame cv1000 driver has been to speed it up, so the massive regeession in performance it's a bit of a mistery to me, but it is what it is.