If nobody else does, I'll request the Aventuras AD text adventures to be added to the Spectrum roster:
Jabato (1989)
Aventura Original, La (1989) --> Colossal Cave Adventure remake
Aventura Espacial, La (1990)
Diosa de Cozumel, La (1990)
Templos Sagrados, Los (1991)
Chichen Itza (1992)
These are other Spanish text adventures that appeared under the Dinamic seal, like "Don Quijote":
Yenght (1984)
Cobra's Arc (1986)
MegaCorp (1987)
Pajaros de Bangkok, Los (1988) --> Vazquez Montalban adaptation
Guerra de las Vajillas, La (1988) --> Star Wars parody
Most of them if not all have two independent loads.