Author Topic: S.V.G Spectral Generation (V100, Japan Single PCB Version) clone is broken???  (Read 6900 times)

Offline mafer

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Hi everybody just for report that the clone S.V.G Spectral Generation (Japan, Single PCB Version) (svgpcb) is broken. When you go to the rescan romset in the game info button, a text dialog appears and says that are missing the roms:
++BIOS graphic roms pgm_t01s.rom
++SOUND graphic roms pgm_ms1s.rom

But i have the correct bios because the parent rom (svg) is working.
I test this clone (svgpcb) in MAME 0.180 and is working, so in Final i think that is broken.
For more information I used the Final Burn Alpha Versi?n  in Windows 7 32 bits
This is my report.
Thanks for read me and sorry for my bad english, i'm learning.

Offline dink

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Hi Mafer, its not a problem with fbalpha, you simply need a few things such as the pgm bios and possibly the parent rom.

best regards,
- dink

Offline Gab75

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Hi mafer,
I solved the "issue" putting the "pgm_t01s.rom" and "pgm_m01s.rom" (that you can find inside the file) in the game zipped file ( a similar thing happens with Demon Front (V107, Korea, Single PCB Version) (dmnfrntpcb).

Offline mafer

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Thanks for  help me, now i can play the game.
