To make the story short, i bought an eachgame epg1000 console that is more or less like a jxd3000 console. Thanks to naxeras we have a custom firmware that allows the emulation of neogeo and cps1/2 in this console but the emulators are ports of mvspsp/cps1psp/cps2psp.
I had succes converting the big roms to cache but the problem is that the graphics are not correct. I discovered how the graphics should be converted and it is very easy to do, but doing the conversion by hand of all the games can be tired, and even more bored when you have to deal with encrypted c roms (most of the games)
I have the source of mvspsp and the converter, that can be found here:
http://dl.qj.net/psp/development/cps1psp/cps2psp/mvspsp/ncdzpsp-v231-source.htmlBut i need help to modify the graphics part of the converter to do the right conversion for this console.
Any help? i could send more details if anyone could help me.
Remember, it's only the graphic part of the converter and only how the new cache croms are written, the rest of the converter works fine (c rom decription).