Hello friends,
Just an update - some good and some bad news..
First the good news, Implemented savestates in the Irem M72 hardware driver (Dragon breed, R-Type I and II, Mr. Heli, X-Multiply) and they seem to be working just fine. I played X-Multiply to stage 5 and the first 2 stages of R-Type I and Mr. Heli using nearly a hundred of savestate / loadstates while testing, and it seems solid

The bad news, Irem M62 hardware driver (Kung Fu Master, Kid Niki, Youjyuden) savestates are still messed up, I had to put working on them aside for now, I spent more time with this driver than all my work on FB Alpha combined and I seem to be getting nowhere

Maybe I'll come back to this one somewhere down the line, maybe with some help/suggestions from other dev's? I thought it might have been a banking problem, so I saved the bank information and restored it on savestate load, as well as all the variables I could find - no go.. What really makes this one interesting, is that after a reset, loading the savestate will work sometimes, and sometimes not, which leads me to thinking that perhaps an irq is getting hung up.
best regards,
- dink