Hi all, I actually registered here specifically to discuss this issue and ask for help. As a long time fan of Power Drift (I miss that rotating cabin!) I have been struggling with the steering problem for a long time.
Historically speaking, the first emulator on which Power Drift was playable was Final Burn, which released in 2000 and (as far as I understand) was the predecessor to Final Burn Alpha. Its emulation was not perfect - the screen didn't tilt when the car turned - but other than that everything worked, and most importantly keyboard controls were responsive and razor sharp. With it I have no problems completing the game, often reaching the Bonus Stage (after a #1 streak). Despite being old the emulator works well on new PCs and it's still the one I use for playing this game.
In late 2002 development on Final Burn stopped, and soon Power Drift became playable on FBA and Mame. Unfortunately though, the controls were quite simply off. No matter what I did with these emulators I felt like a drunk driver, with the virtual wheel either responding too slowly or centering too slowly (or both) to be playable. I tried tweaking many settings while carefully comparing the behavior between FB and FBA/Mame (even using the game's diagnostics), but failed to find a satisfactory setting.
Last night I tried out the current version of FBA, fba64_029742. It actually seemed better, but still not perfect. I looked at the input settings and noticed this configuration line:
input "Steering" slider 0xcb 0xcd speed 0xe00 center 10
I compared it to the setting in Final Burn v0.518:
input "Left/Right" slider 0x25 0x27 speed 0xe00 center 10
I tried to copy the values 0x25 0x27 but then the arrow keys stopped working - so I assume those are codes that determine which keys are used for steering and different values are used by the different emulators. But the speed and center parameters are the same, so.. why doesn't the slider behave the same?
Can someone with more knowledge shed some light and try to help? It's a shame that this game can't be played properly with modern emulators, and at some point Final Burn won't work on new machines any more. All that needs to be done is to compare the code responsible for the keyboard slider between FB 0.518 and the current FBA source, and make FBA behave the same as FB. (Well, at least it sounds simple...)