[GUIDE] Build FB Alpha using MinGW/GCC-4.9.2 (x86 / x64)
Welcome to my new 2015 guide that will help those people interested to compile the latest FB Alpha sources. I made this guide as simple and short as possible, I personally made the procedure before writing this up, to make sure everything is all good. As reference, my system is:
Windows 8.1 (x64).
This guide might get updated in the future if needed, so check back later if you're interested.
Everything you will find here is based on the original guide by
Barry at:
http://www.barryharris.me.uk/fba_compile_mingw64.php ; the only difference is that I shortened a few steps as you will see.
No environment variables will be added to Windows, the resulting build environment will serve for the main purpose of compiling FB Alpha. In case you want to uninstall / remove the build environment, you can just remove the installed files and no programs will be affected by this.
Before you proceed you must download the following
Self Executable / RAR I prepared that already has
TDM-GCC Compiler Suite v4.9.2-3,
NASM v2.11.08 and the
GNU Utils.
1 -
tdm64-gcc-4.9.2-3_MinGW64_NASM_GNUUTILS.exe [102 MB]
The only separate requirement is
Active Perl, you must go to the following link and download the one that suit you most (x86 or x64):
2 -
http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloadsFinally, you will need of course,
FB Alpha Latest Source:
3 -
http://www.barryharris.me.uk/fba_downloads.phpII - INSTALLING THE COMPILER SUITE
1 - Install / Extract
tdm64-gcc-4.9.2-3_MinGW64_NASM_GNUUTILS.exe to
2 - Install
ActivePerl to
c:\Perl (assuming you got the
x86 version) or
c:\Perl64 (for the x64 version)

Note: Make sure to deselect the check boxes, as displayed in the following image:
1- Extract
fba_src_xxxxxx.7z to
c:\fba_dev\fba_src_xxxxxx\ IV - CREATING A BATCH / CMD FILE
Batch or
Cmd is a text-based file that will help us compile FB Alpha easily without having to open Windows Command Prompt, it will automatically summon the Command Prompt and execute the desired commands. Remember to run it as Administrator to avoid any issues with the system.
1- Create a new
.TXT document on
c:\fba_dev\fba_src_xxxxxx\ and rename it to
compile_mingw_gcc492.cmd2- Open it in
COPY / PASTE the following and
SAVE it:
@SET "PATH=c:\mingw64\bin;c:\Perl64\bin"
@mingw32-make mingw471
1- Run
compile_mingw_gcc492.cmd (as administrator if you encounter any system access issues)

2- After the process end you will have
fba.exe in the same directory.
COPY it to another directory before running / testing it, if you want to avoid having many directories created in your FB Alpha Source / development directory.
Note: If you want to build the x64 version of FBA just modify the CMD file with this:
@mingw32-make mingw471 BUILD_X64_EXE=1
and if you want to build a
debug FBA version this:
@mingw32-make mingw471 BUILD_X64_EXE=1 DEBUG=1
These are located in the
makefile, so you could comment/un-comment them as well.