gamez fan, thank you very much for the information! I will add this fix to the FBA code

EDIT: it turns out that FBA already has this crash fix, so tonight I played the game through to the end by myself, and the ending showed perfectly. So what gives? Does the crash fix only fix 1player mode? Luckily I used savestates throughout the last level, so I went back and added the second player, but the computer figured out that the 2nd player was idle, and the ending chose a different path. Ugg..
I feel like I'm at yet another dead-end. All sorts of debugging & testing yet nothing positive has been gained, kinda makes me feel bad.
Heres my current FBA Failure roster:
Neogeo (any game) crashes after saving/loading several savestates - no fixFIXED!2:
CPS1 (Strider, Willow, etc) games lose sound after saving/loading several savestates - no fix, but workaround - hit reset then load savestateFIXED3:
OutZone (Toaplan) - if you save a state, then close and reload FBA, load the game then the state and move your character, there will be a stuck sprite of your character on the screen OR sometimes just playing the game with casual save/loadstates will cause a stuck sprite on the screen - no fix FIXED!!!4:
Ash n joe / Success Joe crash on SS - no fixFIXED (iq_132)5:
Maze of Flott - crash on SS - no fixFIXED6:
GunNail - all of the sounds are kind of messed up, tried to fix this by comparing to mame sources (which works fine), no luckFIXED!!!!!!!!!7:
Clicking the hardware check to clear everything below it - forgot to check it in, Treble Winner got it though.8:
Double Dragon - possible crash at the end of a 2player game - looking into issue, played several more 2p games w/o a problem.

Perhaps a little break is in order...
best regards,
- dink