Author Topic: MAME PLUS SRC ReCompile for different use (MAME PLUS ReBuild)  (Read 17629 times)

Offline ShinoGoto Tezsui

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Hello, it is possible to compile from this src a new build
that have the neogeo bios updated with unibios v3.2 and v3.3? :(

Please i need this help for a cabinet that have windows 7 32 bit.

In case you can help my, can add also these clones:

bjourneyh - Blue's Journey / Raguy (ALH-001)

burningfpa - Burning Fight (prototype, ver 23.3, 910326)

mslug2t - Metal Slug 2 Turbo (NGM-9410) (hack)

mslug3a - Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560, earlier)

wh2h - World Heroes 2 (ALH-006)

For the neogeo bios should only add
unibios 3.2 and 3.3 in the compilation.

I recommend to adding only, not change all components of negeo bios
or update to the current neogeo bios set (as you seem comfortable)

P.S rebuild in 32 bit with UI, i hope you succeed, thanks and good work.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2018, 09:47:43 AM by ShinoGoto Tezsui »