KMFDManic and dink added various ColecoVision Homebrews... thanks guys! 
Danger Tower (SGM)
Flora and the Ghost Mirror
J.E.T.P.A.C. (SGM)
Joust (SGM)
King's Valley (SGM)
Kung-Fu Master (SGM)
Mappy (SGM)
Ninja Princess (SG-1000 conv.)
Ozma Wars
Space Invaders Collection
Subroc Super Game (SGM)
Super Pac-Man (SGM)
Thexder (SGM)
Txupinazo! (SGM)
Wonder Boy (SG-1000 conv.)
Hereunder some example screenshots (not for all titles):
Greetings, Gab75 and dink and whomever else is in this thread and site reading this!:)
I joined on Dink's suggestion. I will be doing a showcase video of all of the Coleco Additions. Due to the simple fact that my childhood dream of getting a C64 was bursted by getting an ADAM computer, instead...I now have nostalgia for ADAM/Coleco:) But, it all worked out! I still got to enjoy C64, truly for the first time, within just the last few years! I had some great fun with Coleco/ADAM, and even Atari 2600 games, which also worked with the Coleco Add-On Peripheral for ADAM. I definitely had a lot of fun with it, and played the hell out of Buck Rogers SGM and Dragon's Lair SGM. When Dink added Dragon's Lair SGM to FBNEO, it was like Xmas for me. Literally, the one single game in all of existence that I wanted to play again! Of course, I also thank Team Pixelboy and whomever else for the nice conversion! We just need the SGM of Donkey Kong, some day, some how!
Will follow-up when my video is done and posted! And, also enjoying seeing the other homebrews and such added for the other systems, NES, MSX, etc. And, as I told Dink, I used to dread even hearing the word homebrew! It takes a good one to get my attention! Abobo's Big Adventure was the true first one to show me they could be fun!
I may add the Bubble Bobble and DK Hacks to my MAME 2003 Xtreme Core, as I haven't really added many of those yet. They have been surprisingly gimmicky and cool, between the two subsets. My biggest concerns were fixing up games that had control issues, which I did in my last Release. Over 100 games had predesignated controls that were on a keyboard (useless for pick up and play with a controller), such as Xybots, Ikari Warriors, etc. I wanted ALL of these to default use L1/R1, which worked out great! Arcadez2003 and Grant2258 and Gpstar and BigBlueFrontEnd have all been really cool when it comes to working with MAME, collaboration wise. Sometimes, it isn't just the homebrews or hacks that get my attention...But, also games it seems almost noone even knew existed, such as the spiritual sequel to Strider, made by the same devs, Cannon Dancer AKA Osman. Quite an interesting game to check out.
Be back in a bit with the video showing some of these fun ventures in action. Fruits of the labor, so to speak:)