I will have to investigate via Google to see what you mean, I did not know that there were specific third-party programs. As for the 'remove difficulty' thing, it is a bit relative, for example, in Art of fighting 2, Fatal Fury Special or Samurai Shodown 2 -which would be the first SNK and Capcom games-, there are many special movements and SDM that are practically impossible to use in a normal way due to poor implementation or because they are too complicated. All of this was smoothed out from KOF96s onwards, but older games are clunky. Also, and I know it is a small gamer niche, I usually record TAS games, and I find it very useful to be able to automate some of these movements.
In any case, I was only commenting on it because I did not know if it is something easy or complicated to implement, and I was curious to know what you thought.