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Dyna V-Liner question...


KaNyErO and myself tried to port the game V-Liner but with no success
because we only see "SRAM ERROR". I tried another approch by using the "vliner.srm" (or was it the vliner.vlr ?) from the emu Nebula and i got
something...well..a very small progress. Instead of getting the "SRAM ERROR", now i only have a blank screen.

So the question IS: Do we need a SRAM file with the conversion or is there someway to fix that dreaded SRAM thing in the PRG ?


--- Sly DC ---

Honestly, I'm not sure.  The game has an extra ram bank at 0x200000-0x201fff and does a lot of reading/writing to it.  Also, it has a few other things going on that complicate things.

slydc: the game read/write in the extra ram. Now that's why
it display the SRAM ERROR. But the NGCD doesn't have extra ram, and
futhurmore since the game is on a CD, it can't write back.

So now, i won't insist to port this game which is regretable since
i like casino-type games.

--- Sly DC ---


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