Final Burn Neo > FBN Discussion

FBAnext scrambled GFX on some games?


Thanks Lantus for the awesome port of FBA for the Xbox360 I am loving every moment I play with it!

I am using FBANext MagicSeb Custom 3

but I've seen there are a few games that play correctly on FBA for the PC and do not work correctly on FBAnext the few I can remember are B.C. Story (bcstry and bcstrya) and WWF SuperStars (wwfsstar and all clones) is there something incorrect with my rom set ? altho they work fine on FBA for the PC ? or is this a known bug?

Thanks again for all your hard work :D


what are the games? if you give me a list i can get them fixed and working

edit: i see them now..thanks :)


--- Quote from: lantus on August 23, 2012, 03:02:06 PM ---what are the games? if you give me a list i can get them fixed and working

edit: i see them now..thanks :)

--- End quote ---

Also, Contra plays kinda slow, and at stage 3 GFX gets all scrambled, those are the only ones I've found so far, not sure if they are more

I appreciate your quick response :)



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