Final Burn Neo > FBN Development

Games for Home Systems (adds and more...)

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Thanks for your work. I don't want to abuse the requests, but Axelay (Hack FastRom) would be a good addiction:
Greetings to all!  :cool:


--- Quote from: Gab75 on December 14, 2024, 01:20:12 AM ---Support to final versions updated! ;)

--- End quote ---

Thank you!

Added the support to 7 new SNES/Super Famicom titles:
Albert Odyssey 2 - Jashin no Taidou (Japan, 1994)
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs - Easier (Hack, 2024)
Brandish 2 - The Planet Buster (Japan/T-Eng, 1995/2009)
Laplace's Demon (Japan/T-Eng, 1995/2018)
Mega Man's/Rockman's Soccer Restoration (Hack, 2024)
Onegai My Melody - Detour Land Conquest (GlobalHack, 2024)
Onegai My Melody - My Melody Adventure (GlobalHack, 2024)

Cool!  :biggrin:

EDIT: Sorry to be the party pooper, but I think this earlier SNES request has been overlooked:

--- Quote from: Neville on November 30, 2024, 12:49:03 PM ---BTW, going through the pics to see if there was any missing (not), I've noticed the English translation for Rockman & Forte is not in the SNES roster yet. That's another "must have" for the fans. It also has an optional addendum that translates the title screen.

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--- Quote from: Neildark on December 14, 2024, 03:47:57 AM ---Thanks for your work. I don't want to abuse the requests, but Axelay (Hack FastRom) would be a good addiction:
Greetings to all!  :cool:

--- End quote ---

Support added! ;)


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