Author Topic: A tip for Visual Studio users [JIT Debugger issue fix]  (Read 14951 times)

Offline CaptainCPS

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A tip for Visual Studio users [JIT Debugger issue fix]
« on: October 05, 2008, 03:05:50 AM »
Hi everyone! , I recently found a solution for a problem that is making a lot of Visual Studio users have a hard time getting it fixed.

If you are not a developer of all applications that are installed on your PC and you're getting multiple crashes by 'Just-In-Time Debbuger' after you installed Visual Studio...

my solution is simple, switch to your old application debugger, there are lot of ppl posting solutions around the net but they are not really a solution because they edit the registry, changing IExplorer options and stuff that doesnt really have to do with the JIT Debugger itself.

to properly make your PC use the previous windows application debugger you must follow these simple steps...

1 - Click "Start" and execute "Run" (this can be done too by pressing the shortcut keys "windows key + R" )
2 - write "cmd" in the white box
3 - write the following command in the command window " drwtsn32 -i " and press "Enter"
4 - A message box will pop-up telling you have configured Dr.Watson as the default application debbuger

Congrats you're Done! ^^

Now you will be able to run all your applications without having the JIT Debugger closing them because it consider there is a fatal error, when there is not. Btw, the PC will gain a little more speed after this.

Sorry for the following but, Microsoft f***ed up making that Debugger not user / developer friendly, settings related to the JIT Debugger doesn't do anything in Visual Studio.
