The Daily waffle, brought to you by dink!
Added a new little feature to the search box - now it will search the manufacturer & system type along with the usual gamename & romset name. This way you can bring up a list of games by, for example: NMK - which don't have their own category in the hardware list.
I played through the entire game of Kotetsu Yousai Strahl, what an awesome game it is. The music is so epic, especially on level 4 or 5 when it starts with no music but a spooky windy noise - then the music slowly builds up, it almost brought a tear to my eye *sniff*.
I'm trying to conjure up a way to implement autofire into FBA, because a few of my friends keep bugging me to add it. Stay tuned
Thats all for now!
best regards,
- dink