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FBN Discussion / Re: Hiscore save location
« Last post by barbudreadmon on July 10, 2024, 09:27:23 AM »
That extra "FinalBurn Neo" folder is something done by retroarch, i remember seeing them talk about it some time ago.
I think you can disable it by changing something in retroarch's "settings > save", if not i'd recommend asking them directly.
FBN Discussion / Hiscore save location
« Last post by Kortiki on July 09, 2024, 06:35:24 PM »
Hey all,

New to the site.

I am trying to setup up a new pc based RetroArch machine with cloud saved hiscores. Main save folder is on a Mac and saves in saves/fbneo.

On the pc side saves are working but are going into a the folder saves/FinalBurn Neo/fbneo. Other systems work correctly but RA keeps creating the extra folder.

Presuming something simple that I am just not finding, so any help would be awesome.
FBN Discussion / Re: Bezel wip
« Last post by dink on July 06, 2024, 09:01:39 AM »
Wow , excellent wip going on there , dink  :cool:

Hope someday we can get int working on FS too

Btw how to enable / disable it universally or for individual games ?

I should explain, this entire thing is just a favor for someone, they understood that it would never work in fullscreen and was OK with that.
I won't be able to get it to work in fullscreen, but maybe someone else will?

The only way to disable it is to rename the bezel folder in support, f.ex: rename to bezel_ or something similar when you want to turn it off

best regards,
- dink
FBN Discussion / Re: Bezel wip
« Last post by ClessxAlghazanth on July 06, 2024, 07:50:57 AM »
Wow , excellent wip going on there , dink  :cool:

Hope someday we can get int working on FS too

Btw how to enable / disable it universally or for individual games ?
FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by Neville on July 06, 2024, 05:02:58 AM »
This seems relevant... Rygar (NES) re-translated to English, because apparently it "was changed heavily when officially localized, which makes this patch preferable for purists."

It's available here.

Also, the hack Megaman 1 - The New Lands Remastered for Mega Man has been updated to v1.3.
FBN Discussion / Re: Joystick configuration with SDL2 on Linux
« Last post by taoenwen on July 05, 2024, 01:21:06 PM »
I am running FB Neo with SDL2 on Linux.  Only Player 2 gets a joystick. 

Not sure where the joystick configuration is stored.  How do I fix this?

Code: [Select]
FBNeo v1.0.0.03
Loading config from /home/hatta/.local/share/fbneo/config/fbneo.ini
Found a game controller: Logitech Dual Action
*** Starting emulation of cadashf - Cadash (France).
Cheat cpu-register INIT.
Hi Score Memory Range 0 Loaded from file
68K #1 Rom Length 080000, (4 roms)
Z80 #1 Rom Length 010000, (1 roms)
Char Rom Length 00080000, (1 roms, 0x000000 tiles)
Sprite A Rom Length 00080000, (1 roms, 0x000000 tiles)
Loading program (c21_19.ic11)... (OK)
Loading program (c21_21.ic15)... (OK)
Loading program (c21_18.ic10)... (OK)
Loading program (c21_20.ic14)... (OK)
Loading program (c21-08.38)... (OK)
Loading graphics (c21-02.9)... (OK)
Loading graphics (c21-01.1)... (OK)
YM2151: Using FM-Timer.
BurnTimerInit: base index 0, #chips 1
BurnTimer chip_base: 0
YM2151: Using Buffered-mode.
Hi Score Memory Range 0 Initted
SDLSoundInit (44100Hz) (6000FPS)
Game resolution: 320x240@60.000000
bbp: 32
setting logical size w: 320 h: 240
nVidImageWidth=320 nVidImageHeight=240 nVidImagePitch=1280
Malloc for video Ok 307200
p1 coin 5
p1 start 1
p1 up ARROW UP
p1 down ARROW DOWN
p1 left ARROW LEFT
p1 right ARROW RIGHT
p1 fire 1 Z
p1 fire 2 X
p2 coin 6
p2 start 2
p2 up Joy 0 Up (Y negative)
p2 down Joy 0 Down (Y positive)
p2 left Joy 0 Left (X negative)
p2 right Joy 0 Right (X positive)
p2 fire 1 Joy 0 Button 0
p2 fire 2 Joy 0 Button 1
reset F3
service 9
tilt T
dip code 0xFE
dip code 0xFF
loading state 0 /home/hatta/.local/share/fbneo/config/games/cadashf.fs
Applied Hi Score Memory Range 0 on frame number 124
saving state 0 /home/hatta/.local/share/fbneo/config/games/cadashf.fs
 ** Emulation ended (running for 2.58 seconds).
    100.00% of frames rendered (151 out of a total 151).
    60.00 frames per second (average).

p1 up ARROW UP
p1 down ARROW DOWN
p1 left ARROW LEFT
p1 right ARROW RIGHT

While I know nothing about SDL, from what you've provided, it appears that the P1's directional button setting is the default keypad, have you tried switching to the controller you specified?
FBN Discussion / Joystick configuration with SDL2 on Linux
« Last post by hatta on July 04, 2024, 04:59:14 PM »
I am running FB Neo with SDL2 on Linux.  Only Player 2 gets a joystick. 

Not sure where the joystick configuration is stored.  How do I fix this?

Code: [Select]
FBNeo v1.0.0.03
Loading config from /home/hatta/.local/share/fbneo/config/fbneo.ini
Found a game controller: Logitech Dual Action
*** Starting emulation of cadashf - Cadash (France).
Cheat cpu-register INIT.
Hi Score Memory Range 0 Loaded from file
68K #1 Rom Length 080000, (4 roms)
Z80 #1 Rom Length 010000, (1 roms)
Char Rom Length 00080000, (1 roms, 0x000000 tiles)
Sprite A Rom Length 00080000, (1 roms, 0x000000 tiles)
Loading program (c21_19.ic11)... (OK)
Loading program (c21_21.ic15)... (OK)
Loading program (c21_18.ic10)... (OK)
Loading program (c21_20.ic14)... (OK)
Loading program (c21-08.38)... (OK)
Loading graphics (c21-02.9)... (OK)
Loading graphics (c21-01.1)... (OK)
YM2151: Using FM-Timer.
BurnTimerInit: base index 0, #chips 1
BurnTimer chip_base: 0
YM2151: Using Buffered-mode.
Hi Score Memory Range 0 Initted
SDLSoundInit (44100Hz) (6000FPS)
Game resolution: 320x240@60.000000
bbp: 32
setting logical size w: 320 h: 240
nVidImageWidth=320 nVidImageHeight=240 nVidImagePitch=1280
Malloc for video Ok 307200
p1 coin 5
p1 start 1
p1 up ARROW UP
p1 down ARROW DOWN
p1 left ARROW LEFT
p1 right ARROW RIGHT
p1 fire 1 Z
p1 fire 2 X
p2 coin 6
p2 start 2
p2 up Joy 0 Up (Y negative)
p2 down Joy 0 Down (Y positive)
p2 left Joy 0 Left (X negative)
p2 right Joy 0 Right (X positive)
p2 fire 1 Joy 0 Button 0
p2 fire 2 Joy 0 Button 1
reset F3
service 9
tilt T
dip code 0xFE
dip code 0xFF
loading state 0 /home/hatta/.local/share/fbneo/config/games/cadashf.fs
Applied Hi Score Memory Range 0 on frame number 124
saving state 0 /home/hatta/.local/share/fbneo/config/games/cadashf.fs
 ** Emulation ended (running for 2.58 seconds).
    100.00% of frames rendered (151 out of a total 151).
    60.00 frames per second (average).
FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by Neville on July 02, 2024, 04:34:08 AM »
I'll check it out, then.
FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by Gab75 on July 02, 2024, 01:05:37 AM »
"Snow Bros." is more addictive than street drugs, in any platform. I used to play the GB version for hours.

IMHO the best transposition was the Megadrive version... the BGM was "very hypnotic" ! ;)
FBN Development / Re: dink's FBN Development & Fixes thread
« Last post by the_maq on July 01, 2024, 06:38:32 PM »
Hi guys,
Here's some notable stuff from lately:

Borderless windowed fullscreen mode.  basically: it simulates fullscreen in a big window, it's very fast to change to this mode.  And you really never left the desktop to go to fullscreen mode.  Right now this is only possible with the DX9 blitters (Alt & Enhanced), with the option:
"Video -> Enable windowed fullscreen" (ported from fc)

Joe & Mac on Megadrive/Genesis: fixed a bug that caused the game to lockup @ the titlescreen

HQ3xs filter, it was previously only available on VC builds, fixed to work with gcc builds

Fixed .avi writer would have A:V drift after 8 minutes or so w/cps1,2 games

Added Sinistar sit-down/Cockpit version with stereo sound-effects.  Big thanks to the super awesome work of SynaMax!
Also added Sinistar "improvement" mods by Synamax for the regular version and cockpit version.  Originally Sinistar goes to insane difficulty after the second level, the mod makes the game much more balanced difficulty-wise.

Added the Votrax SC-01 speech synth emulator, based on silicon decap by Olivier Galibert to Q-Bert & Reactor

King & Balloon, the game shouldn't have stars :)

Mystic Warriors, fix ending "memories" scenes & tv's of the big boss

Super Chase, fix some sprite priority & timing issues

best regards,
- dink
Great work 👍
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