Final Burn Neo > FBN Development
[GUIDE] Build FB Neo using MinGW/GCC-4.9.2 (x86 / x64) (rev. 2015)
The link to the dropbox files is down can some one please provide one that is up?? also does this work with older versions of fba alpha?
For those who go the MingW route and like a custom installation (like me), and compile under the mingw shell; here are some tips:
Grab the latest MingW installer and install, at:
While installing MingW: If you get an error on libisl, grab the libisl package directly from the page and unpack it with WinRAR into \mingw
See the attachments:
First expand the dx8 mingw headers and lib directory into \mingw\ - this allows compile of the basic/enhanced blitters
You'll also need the Official MS DirectX 9 headers.
From the source: (573MB)
an Easy route: open the installer exe with WinRAR and copy out the "includes" directory.
From attachment of this message (0.5MB)
Unpack this into c:\mingw and overwrite any .h files which were previously there.
Even though this MingW installs gcc 6.3.0, you'll use the "make mingw510" target, because that's just the target for 5.1.0 and above.
best regards,
- dink
Is there any plans to implement the building bot AppVeyor into the github source?
--- Quote from: dink on December 30, 2018, 09:02:20 AM ---For those who go the MingW route and like a custom installation (like me), and compile under the mingw shell; here are some tips:
Grab the latest MingW installer and install, at:
While installing MingW: If you get an error on libisl, grab the libisl package directly from the page and unpack it with WinRAR into \mingw
You'll need the Official MS DirectX headers.
From the source: (573MB)
an Easy route: open the installer exe with WinRAR and copy out the "includes" directory.
From attachment of this message (0.5MB)
Unpack this into c:\mingw and overwrite any .h files which were previously there.
Even though this MingW installs gcc 6.3.0, you'll use the "make mingw510" target, because that's just the target for 5.1.0 and above.
best regards,
- dink
--- End quote ---
I did installed the DX SDK jun2010, perl64, mingw from the link you have shared, did over write the include files, put the nasm.exe inside C:\MinGW\bin and i did make sure the "C:\Perl64\bin" "C:\MinGW\bin" were added to the variable path. Yet still unable to compile it.
First i have checked if the gcc compiler was available through shell
--- Code: ---gcc --version
gcc ( GCC-8.2.0-1) 8.2.0
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
--- End code ---
Then I tried to compile and i got this error:
--- Code: ---c:\fba_src_0.2.97.44>mingw32-make mingw510 BUILD_X64_EXE=1 DEBUG=0
Making debug build...
ECHO is off.
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
makefile.mingw:772: recipe for target 'init' failed
mingw32-make[1]: *** [init] Error 1
makefile:84: recipe for target 'mingw510' failed
mingw32-make: *** [mingw510] Error 2
--- End code ---
I have no idea what I've done wrong
PS: using windowsc 10 x64 build 1809
Lodan, run the mingw shell and run "make ming510" from there. If you don't have an icon for it, \mingw\msys\1.0\msys.bat will bring you there.
tip, if the build stops halfway through, just run make mingw510 again and it will continue. it usually only affects the first time building.
best regards,
- dink
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