Final Burn Neo > FBN Development

FB Neo Bugs Reports

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Hi ClessxAlghazanth,
This is actually how the real arcade game is - without music.  I guess it's best to stick with the NES version. :)
There is some gfx issue, but, we won't know how to fix it would a video of the real pcb unfortunately.

best regards,
- dink

Hello. Clearly not a game I care about at all, but I just randomly tested Lotto Fun and it seems buggy to me.
I picked the "Choose 3" mode, and managed to get 2 winning numbers out of 3, but then it seems the game got stuck as it displayed I won 10 tickets.
Saved state attached.

Thanks Stifu, it should be OK now.  Had to fake giving out tickets :)

best regards,
- dink

Thanks dink! Now we can all just avoid this game because it's boring as hell, and not because it's buggy. :p


--- Quote from: Stifu on October 18, 2023, 12:27:06 PM ---Thanks dink! Now we can all just avoid this game because it's boring as hell, and not because it's buggy. :p

--- End quote ---

haha, good call :)


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