Final Burn Neo > FBN Development

FB Neo Bugs Reports

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On the FBNeo Select game screen, if the Use zipname option is selected, the zipname name and the game name are superimposed. It happens in several games where the zipname is long.

Thanks for letting us know!
There's a couple of issues with the fbn ui which I'm slowly trying to fix.  I mean slowly, because I don't know UI programming, so its challenging, to say the least.   :S

best regards,
- dink

here's another street fighter 2' bootleg

--- Quote from: dink on January 15, 2024, 08:37:32 PM,
Thanks for letting us know!
There's a couple of issues with the fbn ui which I'm slowly trying to fix.  I mean slowly, because I don't know UI programming, so its challenging, to say the least.   :S

best regards,
- dink

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Dink, I think a good solution to this problem would be to copy the NeoGeoCD game selection screen. Where there is a separation by column, which can be resized. I don't know if it's easy to implement on the game selection screen, but it would be a place where you could base your UI programming. Best regards.


--- Quote from: gomarco79 on January 17, 2024, 02:09:55 PM ---street fighter 2' turbo bootleg
can you add about Final Burn Neo?? I await your response. Thanks Infinite. Greetings Marco

--- End quote ---

You should not post ROMs here. Someone from the staff is going to remove that attachment on sight. Maybe just give us enough info about the games you want to see supported, or DM a dev who's shown interest for this.


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