Final Burn Neo > FBN Development

FB Neo Bugs Reports

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I was playing through Knights of Valour (Polygame IGS) and encountered a possible audio glitch - just after the scene transition (see attached state file), the background music gets stuck no further sound effects play after the boss laughs :S The game had been flawless up until that point.

- Edit -
The audio eventually returns to normal when reaching the next stage.

- Edit X 2 -
Footage online of this original version of the game seems to have the same issue at precisely the same place in the game. Knights of Valour Plus and subsequent re-releases don't appear to have the same issue.

Hi Al82,
I've spend a ridiculously long time on trying to figure this one out, unfortunately, I'm not really sure what is going on here.  I notice other videos on yt have the same issue, so it's probably a widespread emulation issue at this point.  Hmmm.
Anyhow, I'll keep it in mind and try to think of other possible attack vectors for this bug.

best regards,
- dink

Appreciate you taking the time to look at it.

When I get time I'm going to try Knights Valour Plus or Knights Valour Special to see if they have the same issue; footage online suggests the sound bug doesn't occur in those versions of the game.

I seem to have a problem with Outrun the accelerate button is not reaching full speed. i remapped it and same thing it stops at around 220 but fluctuates like a rapid fire option is selected. changing gear to high also never reaches top speed.
Works fine in other emulators


--- Quote from: Petervenkman on May 27, 2024, 12:59:08 PM ---I seem to have a problem with Outrun the accelerate button is not reaching full speed. i remapped it and same thing it stops at around 220 but fluctuates like a rapid fire option is selected. changing gear to high also never reaches top speed.
Works fine in other emulators

--- End quote ---

Hi Petervenkman,
I tried mapping it to several buttons, digital and analog, and easily hit 290+.  So, some information will be needed:
Are you using FBNeo standalone version or libretro/retroarch?

Maybe some diagnostics w/Service mode will help:
Press F2 (or the button mapped to Diagnostics)
Use the steering wheel to move to "INPUT TEST", then press F2 (Diagnostics) again
Hold the accelerate button and write the code (stuff in yellow) here

best regards,
- dink


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