Final Burn Neo > FBN Development

FB Neo Bugs Reports

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I remember trying to fix it back in 2020 with no luck.  Fortunately, this time things are working out! :)
Just need to figure out an issue with the ugly-ified girls, it's possibly a problem with the "blitting done" status.  hmm

best regards,
- dink

Hmm, hopefully things are fine now.  Please try with new exe and see if you can find any broken scenes?

best regards,
- dink

Hi dink,

I've tested it with the latest Nightly and the broken scenes all appear to be fixed and are displaying correctly now. To be sure - I played through all 16 stages in both the Japanese & Euro sets just to make sure. :biggrin:

Glad it worked out and excellent work in resolving this - much appreciated! :cool:


--- Quote from: SoulReever on November 08, 2024, 03:21:35 PM ---Hi dink,

I've tested it with the latest Nightly and the broken scenes all appear to be fixed and are displaying correctly now. To be sure - I played through all 16 stages in both the Japanese & Euro sets just to make sure. :biggrin:

Glad it worked out and excellent work in resolving this - much appreciated! :cool:

--- End quote ---

Hi SoulReever,
That's really great news, Thanks for the help with this! :)

best regards,
- dink


--- Quote from: Nick Reynolds on November 06, 2024, 12:38:56 PM ---That's unfortunate about Sonic 2 VS, but I appreciate you taking the time to look into it. I don't exactly know how to contact the authors of this romhack either, but there does seem to be a link to the Discord server at the bottom of the page, which I imagine could be useful for getting in contact with them.

--- End quote ---

Hi Nick Reynolds,
Just an update: I got 2 out of the 3 bugs fixed in Sonic 2 VS: in-game corruption and the titlescreen scrolling "chunky".  The only thing that remains is the level introduction screen.  I'll probably wait on committing this to github until I get the last one fixed, though - my dev. build is a mess right now!

best regards,
- dink


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