Author Topic: FB Alpha Enhanced R1 to R14 [v0.2.96.72]  (Read 242660 times)

Offline CaptainCPS

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Re: FB Alpha Enhanced [v0.2.96.72]
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2007, 11:15:25 PM »
Wow, what a fast work!!

Very nice, thanks CaptainCPS-X!!!

Hey, Do you mind to put a IPSv3.x Service in your Work?
and, well, could you "refresh" your BLOG with the new version, please?

Thanks, Bye!!  :wink:

First of all, ThanX for your comments ^^

And about IPSv3.x service, I will have it in mind for R6, but I'm not sure (this is Christmas season so maybe you'll see that in the next release lol)

My blog will be updated when this Enhanced version surpasses the one located there, for now that old version is better in some ways than this one.(but eventually will get updated some time in the future)


Offline KaaMoS

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Re: FB Alpha Enhanced [v0.2.96.72]
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2007, 02:13:34 AM »

Thanks Captain for your answers!!!

Offline CaptainCPS

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Re: FB Alpha Enhanced [v0.2.96.72]
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2007, 06:01:53 AM »
I finally Downloaded / Configured my Visual Studio 9 (Visual C++ 2008 Express Toolkit), MS Platform SDK 2003 and the DirectX9 SDK (oct 2004) environment and modified the '' (will be included in next release, R6)

I attached a picture of my results, with the next release I will share with everyone the updated links (to download the environment files) so you can compile it without problems too  :wink:

btw, the fullscreen switch problem in W.Vista, the one that was making the black area flash, now its gone with this VC build :p


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Re: FB Alpha Enhanced [v0.2.96.72]
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2007, 11:17:22 AM »
FB Alpha Enhanced R6 is coming with the last drivers Treblewinner was working on, Sega System 1

I have decided to release my WIP System 1 driver. I'm not going to find the time to work on it so I'm hoping that by releasing it somebody else will.

The driver works well and the games that are supported play with no problems. The only things that really need adding are sound support and support for the encrypted games.

There are some classics on this system, so I hope somebody advances the driver. Teddy Boy in FBA would be cool.

And these are the drivers (Note: Encrypted sets doesn't work)

Flicky (128k Version, System 2, 315-5051)
Flicky (128k Version, System 2, not encrypted)
My Hero (US, not encrypted)
Regulus (315-5033, New Ver.)
Regulus (not encrypted)
Sega Ninja (315-5102)
Sega Ninja (not encrypted)
Ninja Princess (64k Ver. not encrypted)
Star Jacker (Sega)
Star Jacker (Stern)
Up'n Down (315-5030)
Up'n Down (not encrypted)
Wonder Boy (set 1, 315-5177)
Wonder Boy (set 2, not encrypted)
Wonder Boy (not encrypted)
Wonder Boy Deluxe

Other Stuff comig for FB alpha Enhaced R6 are these updates from Treblewinner's site

* Shadow Force driver with Japanese set working correctly.

* Sega driver updates:
- New driver for Passing Shot on System 16A hardware
- Tidied sets in the DD Crew driver

All updates where released on Sept 22, and the Capcom update too but, the IQ_132 cleanup is more updated so no need to add it.


Offline CaptainCPS

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Re: FB Alpha Enhanced [v0.2.96.72]
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2007, 05:14:33 PM »
Hi guys!! xD... have a surprise coming ... and it is IPS support in the next release of FBA Enhanced ^^

Check out the preview attached to this reply  :wink:

(IPS Patch used from latest pack in 'MAME32 PLUS!' site, [] [~30MB]


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Re: FB Alpha Enhanced [v0.2.96.72]
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2007, 05:59:50 PM »
Have been testing and for some reason some of the IPS doesn't seem to be working (games are normal) but most of NeoGeo games have been working fine.

at least we got some IPS support :p


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« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2007, 01:20:10 AM »
"Direct3D 7" not working with Vista?

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Re: FB Alpha Enhanced [v0.2.96.72]
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2007, 02:11:55 AM »
"Direct3D 7" not working with Vista?

yeah, Vista Ultimate is working fine with Direct3D 7 (as far as I know) :smilie:


Offline lxd_bruce

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Re: FB Alpha Enhanced [v0.2.96.72]
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2007, 10:22:16 AM »
Have been testing and for some reason some of the IPS doesn't seem to be working (games are normal) but most of NeoGeo games have been working fine.

at least we got some IPS support :p


cool :biggrin: :biggrin:

I'm looking forward to it. :p

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Re: FB Alpha Enhanced [v0.2.96.72]
« Reply #24 on: December 16, 2007, 10:49:35 AM »
Captain, how about your project of FBA Extra?   :confused:
Aborted?   :redface:
« Last Edit: December 16, 2007, 10:50:44 AM by lxd_bruce »

Offline CaptainCPS

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Re: FB Alpha Enhanced [v0.2.96.72]
« Reply #25 on: December 16, 2007, 01:54:15 PM »
Captain, how about your project of FBA Extra?   :confused:
Aborted?   :redface:

Its not aborted, what really happened was that I didn't have the time to work on it (I was working pretty much in my real life) and I decided to do a clean remake of it (FB Alpha Enhanced), because I don't remember to well what bugs I left inside the FBA Extras source code (there was too much stuff modified in that last releases), that was the reason why I released a beta of my last build without source.

I just want to make sure my FB Alpha modifications are working fine, and not giving any kind of problem.

So I hope I keep getting the support from you guys  :biggrin:

I will keep working on my modifications as far as I have time to do so, but it doesn't matter if I don't have time because I will do my best to return again to work on FBA (like I have done always).


PS: One of my dreams is to make my own driver contributions to FBA someday, so I will keep trying to get more knowledge to achieve that at some point in the future  :smilie:, btw....FBA Rules! lol.

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Re: FB Alpha Enhanced [v0.2.96.72]
« Reply #26 on: December 16, 2007, 05:13:41 PM »
FB Alpha Enhanced R6 [v0.2.96.72]


R6 [December 16, 2007]:

    * Added IPS patching support from latest source of 'FBA PLUS!' [ThanX to FerchogtX].
    Note: Some IPS patches are not working for some reason, but at least some work.

    * Added Treblewinner's latest drivers released Sept, 22:
      - Sega System 1 drivers:
        -- Flicky (128k Version, System 2, 315-5051)
        -- Flicky (128k Version, System 2, not encrypted)
        -- My Hero (US, not encrypted)
        -- Regulus (315-5033, New Ver.)
        -- Regulus (not encrypted)
        -- Sega Ninja (315-5102)
        -- Sega Ninja (not encrypted)
        -- Ninja Princess (64k Ver. not encrypted)
        -- Star Jacker (Sega)
        -- Star Jacker (Stern)
        -- Up'n Down (315-5030)
        -- Up'n Down (not encrypted)
        -- Wonder Boy (set 1, 315-5177)
        -- Wonder Boy (set 2, not encrypted)
        -- Wonder Boy (not encrypted)
        -- Wonder Boy Deluxe

      - Shadow Force driver with Japanese set working correctly

      - Sega driver updates:
        -- New driver for Passing Shot on System 16A hardware
        -- Tidied sets in the DD Crew driver

      More info -> ( )

    * Included the verified/modified '' for the ones compiling with Visual C++ 2008 Toolkit.

And the promised links so you can have the Visual C++ Toolkit 2008 Environment and SDK latest installation files:

DirectX 9.0 SDK Update - (October 2004)

Windows® Server 2003 R2 Platform SDK ISO Download

Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition

and my current bat for compiling with VC2008 environment is the following one:

@echo off
set MinGW = E:\MINGW
@path=E:\Program Files\Microsoft_DirectX_9_SDK_October_2004\Lib\x86;%path%
@call "E:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\SetEnv.Cmd"
@call "E:\Program Files\Microsoft_DirectX_9_SDK_October_2004\Utilities\Dx_Setenv.cmd"
@call "E:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
@echo _
@make vc UNICODE=1
@echo _
@echo FB Alpha Compilation using Visual Studio 9 (VC toolkit) Done.
@echo (Using Windows Vista Ultimate Environment)

Note: You should change 'all' paths according to your setup paths.

And finally the source of FB Alpha Enhanced R6 is attached to this post, so Enjoy!

Please report any issues using or compiling FB Alpha Enhanced so I can take a look and fix the issues.


Offline lxd_bruce

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Re: FB Alpha Enhanced [v0.2.96.72]
« Reply #27 on: December 17, 2007, 12:04:32 AM »
FB Alpha Enhanced R6 [v0.2.96.72]

And the promised links so you can have the Visual C++ Toolkit 2008 Environment and SDK latest installation files:

DirectX 9.0 SDK Update - (October 2004)

Windows® Server 2003 R2 Platform SDK ISO Download

Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition

and my current bat for compiling with VC2008 environment is the following one:

Note: You should change 'all' paths according to your setup paths.

And finally the source of FB Alpha Enhanced R6 is attached to this post, so Enjoy!

Please report any issues using or compiling FB Alpha Enhanced so I can take a look and fix the issues.


I think you'd better ask kof2112 or leaf for help.
Their FBA shuffle has a perfect support for IPSV3.x. ;p
« Last Edit: December 17, 2007, 12:09:32 AM by lxd_bruce »

Offline CaptainCPS

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Re: FB Alpha Enhanced [v0.2.96.72]
« Reply #28 on: December 17, 2007, 03:12:45 AM »
I think you'd better ask kof2112 or leaf for help.
Their FBA shuffle has a perfect support for IPSV3.x. ;p

Oh I see, I didn't know that  :smilie:, they must have updated the 'patch.cpp' with the latest MAME PLUS! 'patch.c', I was taking a look at the MAME PLUS! source but it's a bit complicated to convert to FBA, it will take me some time to study the variations and stuff, and I cannot promise anything soon because I'm not working on FBA Enhanced all days like I did with FB Alpha Extras.

btw, I think FB Alpha Shuffle source is private so I'm not sure if they will give me the IPSV3.x code.


Offline KaaMoS

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Re: FB Alpha Enhanced [v0.2.96.72]
« Reply #29 on: December 17, 2007, 03:41:02 AM »
it would be a good detail from KOF2112  ;)

I see that when he comes to request help, it is offered to him without problems.

Anyhow the decision is only from KOF2112.