Author Topic: me and my brain operation :-)  (Read 18943 times)

Offline CaptainCPS

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me and my brain operation :-)
« on: August 17, 2005, 11:33:26 PM »
Well here i wanna share with all of you , that know me, and with the ones that dont, maybe
you understand me better knowing more about me...

I resently was operated by a Brain Hematoma, there was blood in some surface of my Brain
and i was having a strong headache ...for 4 days long...and i went to a Nerologist and he thougth
what i was having was ''Migraña'' (spanish word, i dont know it english sorry ^^u)...then he gave
me some medicines/ pills...and i was not better...then he told my fathers to makeme a CT Scan
that's a Brain Scan to see whats wrong in there...and they found the Hematoma...

Rapidly they told me to go to Emergency into a Hospital here in P.Rico and when i went i was
almost unconsious...and they put me in a "camilla" (spanish word sorry again)...and then thanx
to God a Neurocirujan appeared and he took care of the emergency and made all posible to
operate me...Everything just went good and i was hospitalized...for a week aprox. and then they
told me i can be in my home BUT, i cannot work already not make Sex, not Run or make Extreme
Force...because im in recupperation...

Until now im here in my home Praying that everything go fine in my head because in the last
CT Scan that they made me, i appeared with liquid in the area operated...but i have
something positive....the Neurocirujan told me that this may be absorbed by my body...and
thats what im asking to God only...i want that this liquid go and dissapear from my head
and everything just be like it was before...

Most of this things occur in life for some reasons, since this happened and after the operation
i see the life better that before...i was getting drunk before with some friends from where i
work...but now i made a promisse... i will not drink alcohol anymore...and i gonna get to study
again in the university...and make my life go better....

I will be studying if God permits it, Computer Tech. with concentration in Programing and Data
for 2 year aprox.

Im saying all this because i dont go out of my home now, just sometimes with my cousin that
is like my brother, he is there when i need him...and well i just want all of you to know me
and if you can make some prayers for my situation...

Sometimes i dont wanna do nothing, and yeah i a man but this situation
made me cry some time back.

But well Im very positive, i keep doing my drawings ..and writting my comic book ^^
Yeah!, im doing a Comic Book in Japanese Style..i hope i get the Characters Registered so
everyone of you see them ^^ I got like +50 Chars done...there is a modern Samurai and
some girls hehe i know that if you see them you all will like them :D

Ummm...more of me, well I was the one that made the Kawaks Page Flash Logo ^^
back in that wonderfull time when Xors was the most Exiting in emulation :)
if you go to Kawaks Page you'll see my Real name below the Flash hehe...

I did some Transparencies in the Haggar Pack back then in that time....

I did a Website i admin sometime and Rebuild it but for now i cant update because
now im not working and i cant pay the server and the domain...
it still working... the page is hope im not breaking rules here hehe)

And well now im here in this great forums sharing my Personal Stuff so you know me better
maybe some of you will think..."what happen to this guy" xDD hehe but well some of
you know me...and I am like this, i like to have friends on MSN and the forums,
i like to help others so they get working whatever they need and in real life
im like that too...i dont like Fighting other people i never done that...

Wheuuu, and some other info...

im - 19 years old (birth 28/nov)
Real Name - Jezer
Real Country: Puerto Rico
Language: Spanish

Well thats me and my brain status!! ^^u

If some of you have free time i will thank if you pray for my brain situation
I got a meeting for September 1st with the Neurocirujan and he will make the desition
to operate or not to operate again so please pray that this dont happen againgand everything just
go fine ..for me the value of that is Infinite...

ThanX All for Taking a time to read about me!


Offline Cookie Monstruo

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Re: me and my brain operation :-)
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2005, 02:46:40 AM »
se me hace que migraña se dice "migrain" en ingles

camilla = "stretcher"

oh well, I'm against all religion so all I'll do is wish you luck :biggrin:

Offline CaptainCPS

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Re: me and my brain operation :-)
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2005, 03:34:44 PM »
ThanX man! ! ^^


Offline neo04

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Re: me and my brain operation :-)
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2005, 03:17:18 AM »
be strong my friend.. :) i hope the operation will succeed
all the best in years to come