Final Burn Neo > FBN Discussion

Any advantage of using 64-bit build over 32-bit ?


Hi  :cool:

I've been wondering if there are advantages (like speed / stability) of using the 64-bit build ?

Like it is being better to use 64-bit build if running on a 64-bit OS and the other way , vice versa

Thanks and best regards  :wink:

Hi ClessxAlghazanth,
It really depends.  I'm using a 64bit OS, but I stick with the 32bit version because it has the Enhanced/d3d blitter.  For really resource-intense things, 64bit is the way to go, but, fbneo isn't very resource-intense at all.  On the other hand, since all PC's & cpu's aren't created equal: your best bet is to try it and see if you like it better.

best regards,
- dink

Thanks for the clarification , dink  :smilie:

By the way do 32 and 64 bit versions save the configs seperately ?

I've noticed 2 files , fbneo.ini and fbneo64.ini in the config subfolder of fbneo

And i wonder if can c/p contents of fbneo.ini file to fbneo64.ini and import my settings when I try 64-bit build or is it better to set-up from scratch ?


--- Quote from: ClessxAlghazanth on March 26, 2023, 02:40:55 AM ---Thanks for the clarification , dink  :smilie:

By the way do 32 and 64 bit versions save the configs seperately ?

I've noticed 2 files , fbneo.ini and fbneo64.ini in the config subfolder of fbneo

And i wonder if can c/p contents of fbneo.ini file to fbneo64.ini and import my settings when I try 64-bit build or is it better to set-up from scratch ?

--- End quote ---

Sure, just copy fbneo.ini over to the other file, but before you do that, go into fbneo and change the blitter to something other than Enhanced if you're using such blitter :)  Otherwise fbneo64 will have a catastrophic failure :)

best regards,
- dink


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