There is the procedure that a MS5 Ps decrypt(take a protection) to turn to encrypt on the my hand:
Procedure contents:
268-p1d.bin size 8388608 crc 2ecc772d OR
268-p1d.bin size 5242880 crc 83270fef
TO (the MS5 ND P of WK162)
268-p1cr.bin size 4194304 crc d0466792
268-p2cr.bin size 4194304 crc fbf6b61e
The comment 268-p1d.bin 8M:
I pass FBA the emulator lead a MSLUG5 of 268-p1cr.bin、268-p2cr.bin the taking of protection decrypt P1, P2 to match the whole a P document of becoming.
268-p1d.bin 5M:
Delete the back surplus 3 Ms the document after from the P document with 8 Ms.
Request a procedure that the P document reversal changes now.
Since BE:
268-p1cr.bin size 4194304 crc d0466792
268-p2cr.bin size 4194304 crc fbf6b61e
268-p1d.bin size 8388608 crc 2ecc772d OR
268-p1d.bin size 5242880 crc 83270fef
Mainly is this game for the sake of aspect HACK, but again want to circulate in the WK162, so bother other people's manufacturing process.Thank!