People!!! Finally I found out was wrong with MY MinGW setup
, I thought that there was a problem in the
menugui.cpp and the way string are managed, BUT it was basically the GCC version and I had it merged with MinGW instead of letting it in a separate directory ^^u ..this fixed everything that has to do with the new Menus GUI and Unicode is working smoothly ^^
Im doing some adjustments because I redownloaded MinGW and all stuff, but when I finish doing my new MinGW setup I will release a cleaner version for all of you, so if you want to use it you only have to Click, Download & Uncompress in your preffered HDisk location
...the R18 version of FBA Extras Source will be released too
Oh! before I forgot, for those who maybe are having problems implementing the
AVI Video Recording feature in your own builds, there will be a tutorial in the
FBA Tips & Tricks topic when I get a time to make it